Month: February 2018

The Quick & Dirty Guide to Starting a Blog

How to Start a Blog Quickly

When I started my first blog (this one), I prepared and prepared and prepared. I had tons of posts drafted, I took my time setting things up, I made mistakes that then had to be fixed.  I learned from trial and error and experimentation.  It was an amazing experience, but I paid the price in time. So when my husband and I decided to start another blog together (Documentary Reviewers), I knew I wanted it up quickly.  There was no reason to play around with things I already knew we’d need and want.

So if you’re considering starting a blog and want to just get it up quickly, here’s what we did and what you need to do too:


10 Ways to Add a Little Hygge to Your Easter

From the second I came across the concept of hygge, I was hooked. And since it goes hand-in-hand with holidays, you better believe I’m going to have a hygge Easter this year!

Easter is hands down one of my favorite holidays and it’s perfect for adding hygge.  So many critical hygge concepts (family, outdoors, food) are already present in Easter, so hygge-fying it is not only easy, it’s also fun.


The 13 Keys to Success (+ the next documentary you need to watch)

Napoleon Hill's Master Key: 13 Steps to Success

I’m a huge documentary fan, so when I came across Napoleon Hill’s Master Key (featuring his 13 keys to success), I was intrigued enough to hit play.

My curiosity was immediately rewarded with an inspiring and powerful documentary that was honestly more impactful than some paid webinars these days…seriously!

It’s old…really, really old (it was filmed in the 50’s!), but the lessons are timeless and so important. He basically lays out exactly how you can succeed at anything in life. What’s better than that?

So if you’re trying to achieve anything at all, keep scrolling to find out the 13 essential keys to success and move this documentary to the top of your watch list. Luckily, the episodes are only about 15 minutes each, so you can squeeze them in here and there.


The Best Easter Basket Ideas for 4-Year Old Boys

It’s that time of year again! Time to play the Easter bunny. And with these Easter basket ideas for 4-year old boys, I’m hoping the job will be simple for you this year!

4 is such a magical age, so this is a particularly fun year.  Not only are they really starting to get into the holidays, but they also get so excited for any little goodies you get for them. And with all that they’re learning, there are tons of great options to fill their Easter baskets with.

So if you’re in need of Easter basket ideas for 4-year old boys, look no further!  

Here’s what you should focus on:


The Best Easter Books for 4-Year Old Boys

The Best Easter Books for 4-Year Old Boys (great for Easter basket stuffers!)

I am a HUGE fan of playing the Easter bunny each year and there is no way my son is going without some great Easter books for 4-year old boys in his basket!  Ironically, it took me a while to find a good selection of Easter books for preschool boys, so I couldn’t help but share what I found.  Hopefully this will make life easier for you as you fill your own 4-year old boy’s Easter basket!
