Journaling to relieve anxiety is one of the greatest tools that you’ll ever develop. It is life-changing, easy, and reliable.  These journal ideas for anxiety relief will help you get started so you can experience this for yourself. 

Suffering from anxiety is exhausting, frustrating, and confusing.  Anxiety is ruthless and it can be really difficult to get rid of. So when something harmless and easy can actually alleviate anxious feelings, it’s without a doubt worth a try!

And that’s exactly what journaling does – it will relieve anxiety, both immediately and long-term.  It is such a powerful tool, but is often brushed off because it doesn’t seem like it could actually be that powerful. 


If this is your first experience using a journal for anxiety, I’m really excited for you!  Your life is about to get easier. Try out as many of these journaling techniques as you can to find out which is your favorite.
