A couple months ago, my son turned 1. I have no idea how it happened, but somehow we made it. Almost like clockwork he turned a corner and transformed from a baby into a toddler. He’s walking, babbling with purpose (thinks he’s talking), listens to me, kisses me, and is starting to hand me the things he used to put right in his mouth. While I loved every minute of his babyhood, I’m so happy and ready for this to happen.
Despite everyone’s warnings that time will fly, the past year has actually been very long. I quite literally spent just about every waking and sleeping moment with my son, so I didn’t miss a thing and watched each and every development take place.
When I look back, there are definitely things I wish I would have known (or actually believed) that would have made my life easier. So here’s my advice for all the new moms out there that are about to embark on the most amazing journey of your lives: (more…)