Month: August 2014

Picking the Best Baby Carrier for Your Baby

Before I was even pregnant I knew I was going to carry my baby everywhere. Like Pocahontas, we would run through the wilderness together. Singing, dancing, and laughing.

I know, I know. Pocahontas didn’t have a baby – and God help the woman that runs through the wilderness with a baby strapped to her.

Don’t get me wrong, I absolutely love, love, love carrying my baby. It is my favorite thing to do. If I didn’t have the body of a human, I would do it 24/7. But my body – strong as it is – needs help with the task.

Thankfully, brilliant parenting innovations have made my pursuit for the best baby carrier fairly painless. And I’ve tried a bunch, trust me. Some were ok, some were life-changing.

Here’s what I found: (more…)

18 Inspirational Quotes to Tell Yourself Everyday

Inspirational Quotes to Tell Yourself Everyday

I love, love, love to hear a quote that makes me think “Whoa, so true!” The ones that tell you what you already know, but somehow package it in a way that gives you butterflies. I especially love the ones that have a way of brightening my day when it’s starts to take a turn for the worse.

Sometimes you just need a reminder of the things you know to be true. And sometimes that reminder needs to be daily. So without further ado, here’s a list of inspirational quotes to tell yourself everyday: (more…)

Naptime Cosleeping: The Fabulous Little Secret of Cosleepers

As I type this article, my son is sleeping soundly next to me. The lights are dimmed, the room is silent, warm tea next to me, and my laptop where it should be.

It’s a better arrangement than I ever dreamed. And probably the biggest secret that cosleeping parents like me keep to themselves, never bringing up during the ever present is-it-ok-to-cosleep debate. Naptime cosleeping.

But for some reason this wonderful arrangement seems to baffle people.  “But how in the world do you do it?” “How do you get things done?” And what I hear the most – “Wait. You actually sit next to him while he naps?!? I would go crazy!”

Trust me, you wouldn’t go crazy. At least not any crazier than non-cosleepers.

So here’s the truth.  The answers to everything you’ve ever wondered about naptime cosleeping and why it’s so awesome: (more…)

Why We Need a 4-Day Workweek

A 4-day workweek. Forever. Sound good?

Of course it does. It sounds amaaazing. But is it so amazing that it’s too good to be true? Let’s hope not….because it turns out it would probably be good for our health.

And the economy.

And our relationships.

And even the environment.

Ok, I’ll stop. But you get the point – it would be good for us!

But seriously, here are the actual, supported, peer-reviewed, expert-recommended reasons for switching to a 4-day workweek. (more…)

How to Make Money with Your Recipes

There are so many fun ways to make money with your recipes - some of them are bound to work for you!

You don’t have to be Julia Child to be an impressive cook.  In fact, some of the greatest recipes are also the simplest – 3 ingredient, no-bake, under $5, within 30 minutes type of meals.

These tricks in the kitchen and family recipes are not only ways to win friends and company, they’re also a great source of extra income.  And if you’re really good, you could bring in some substantial dough for your family.

Here’s how you can bring home the bacon and make money with your recipes: (more…)

Investments Every Stay-at-Home Mom Should Have

Investing isn't hard, you just have to know where to start.

Every stay-at-home mom knows that being on the outside of the traditional workforce does not exempt you from planning and managing your long-term financial future. In fact, it usually means you have to work even harder and know even more because you don’t have essential investments managed for you on behalf of your employer.

Even if you have a partner that regularly contributes to their own employer-sponsored investment opportunities, you may not be doing enough. You still need to take additional steps to ensure that you are financially secure now and in the future.

Here are the investments that every SAHM should have: (more…)