Month: October 2014

Broccoli Cheddar Soup

My mom made us this broccoli cheddar soup last week and it was so good I couldn’t resist remaking it myself and posting it for you all.  It is so, so easy to make, tastes delicious, is HEALTHY, and it’s actually pretty cheap too.  So it’s basically a win-win.

Obviously it includes broccoli, but there’s also some carrots and onions in this for some extra flavor and nutrients.  I’m sure you could add others, so use this as an opportunity to sneak in some other vegetables!  I was able to get all of the veggies really cheap at the farmer’s market, so a big batch of this soup (4-6 servings) ended up costing me less than $10. (more…)

A Letter to My 20-Something Self

Hindsight is always 20-20. So if you had the opportunity to talk to your past self, what would you say?

Well, it took me a while – and various iterations – but I did it. And it ended up being one of the most rewarding writing exercises I’ve ever done.

I’m sure you would have different advice for YOUR past self, so I definitely challenge you to write your own letter!  It is something I’m sure you won’t regret.

So here goes! A letter to my 20-Something Self:


10 Reasons to STOP Breastfeeding

Before I even get started on my reasons to stop breastfeeding, I should say that I don’t actually want to stop. But my son’s 1 year mark is quickly approaching, so it’s been on my mind a lot.

Should I stop breast feeding? Or just keep going?

I know I don’t have to and I know there are a lot of reasons to continue (in fact, here is my list of 10 Reasons to Keep Breastfeeding), but 1 year was always my goal and that seems to be what many moms shoot for.

So this list is mainly to try and convince myself that the time might be right, that my son may be ready, and that there are in fact some great benefits to weaning. We’ll see if any of them can push me over the edge!



10 Reasons to KEEP Breastfeeding

As my little guy starts inching towards the 1 year mark, a lot of transitions are working their way into our lives. New nap times, different foods, little legs that run, and pants without footsies. I had always thought the 1 year mark would also bring an end to breastfeeding, but now that I find myself there, I’m not sure what will happen.

Earlier, I wrote a list of Reasons to Stop Breastfeeding to work out in my head whether it was the right time. A lot of the reasons are pretty exciting, but what good is a list of reasons to stop without a list to compare it to?

So here is my list of 10 reasons to keep breastfeeding past the 1 year mark:


My 1 Year Old’s Holiday Season Bucket List

I’ve always loved the holiday season, but this year is going to be more amazing than usual.  My little guy is going to make it a thousand times more enjoyable and I can’t wait for all the things I want to show him.

Christmas has always been a big deal for me, but this year one of the greatest additions will be celebrating Halloween.  I’ve never been a fan of Halloween (other than it marked the last day of the non-Christmas season), but now that I have a son it has taken on a whole new meaning.

So with all of the great Fall Bucket Lists I’ve seen come out, I couldn’t resist putting together my own Holiday Season Bucket List for my littlest love.  Let’s hope we can live up to my plan and pass down our love of the holidays! (more…)

Inspirational Documentaries that Will Completely Change Your Life

These are the best inspirational documentaries out there!

My husband and I have been on a documentary kick lately so I’m branding myself as the newest expert on inspirational documentaries.  We’ve only watched what’s available on Netflix, so I’m sure there may be some more out there,  but these definitely stuck with us well after we were done watching.

We’re not a fan of sad flicks (sorry Blackfish fans), so we chose all of these because they honestly made us feel good after watching – they are truly documentaries that will change your life.  If all goes well, we’ll pay off our mortgage, make a million dollars, give up sugar and meat, save the homeless, and fit all of our clothes into our closets. Maybe you’ll do the same! Good luck. 🙂 (more…)

You Know You’re a Mom When…

Sure, you technically become a mom at the moment of conception. But you don’t really know you’re a mom until a little later…when the dust settles…and you realize those are stains on the floor…and your hair stays in the shape of a ponytail even after the hair tie is removed. All those times people joked about that you didn’t really understand because your newborn was just so darn cute.

If it hasn’t happened yet, it will.

Here are just a few of the times you’ll get that little reminder that you have in fact become a mom… (more…)