Month: July 2015

10 Tips to Make Better Homemade Juices

I’m a huge fan of making homemade juices, so I’m obviously doing everything possible to make them better and better.  I’ve done tons of experimenting (some worthwhile, some not so much) and I’ve come across some interesting things. First and foremost, juicing has been an awesome addition to our diet. So much so that even my toddler gets excited when we pull out the juicer.

If you’ve already made the plunge into homemade juices, then hopefully these tips will be helpful.  And if you haven’t, then I highly recommend you try it out and then come back to put these tips to good use. 🙂

Here we go:


The Next Book You Have to Read: The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up

If you’ve already heard of Marie Kondo’s The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up, then you probably don’t think I’m crazy. Otherwise, I imagine you’re wondering why the heck you should spend your time reading a book about “tidying up.”  Either way, I PROMISE you will absolutely love this book.  While it is certainly 100% about cleaning up, it somehow manages to also be a truly inspirational book that promises to transform your life (i.e. by tidying up your home you will ultimately tidy up your problems).



The Life-Changing Power of Goal Setting

I know this sounds ridiculously corny, so I’m hesitant to even write an entire post about it, but I’m telling you – this one simple activity is how my husband and I have (and are) achieving all of our dreams in record timing.  It’s why I’m able to stay at home with my son, how we bought two investment properties, are learning a second language, have spent our summer traveling, have become vegan, the list goes on and on…

So here’s the really simplistic, dumbed-down gist of how we’ve made it all happen:  Every few months (if we’re lucky, weeks), we sit down and formally Goal Set.  I’m emphasizing formally and capitalizing Goal Set on purpose – it’s that big of a deal and that big of an event for us…it’s better than a date night (actually, we love it so much that it basically is a date night). But most importantly, it consistently and reliably always works – sometimes it’s scary how much so.

So here’s what we do, and how you can (and should) do it too:
