Month: March 2016

8 Benefits of Using a Credit Card Instead of Cash

Using a credit card instead of cash can have a huge positive impact on your personal finances. You just need to do it the right way! Here are the reasons you should be using a credit card instead of cash.

In the personal finance world, I feel like all I read are posts about ditching the credit card and shifting to an all cash world. I’m not going to deny the potential downside of credit cards (or the upside of cash), but I just can’t stop myself from laying out all the benefits of doing the opposite – exclusively using a credit card instead of cash. The only important rule you have to remember with this method is that you have to pay off your full balance every month. But if you can do that then you can seriously improve your finances. This is what I do and I’ve never had a moment where I regret it.  In fact, I think it’s the smartest way to manage your money.

Here’s why:


The Best Easter Basket Ideas for 2-Year Old Boys

Looking for Easter basket ideas for your 2-year old boy?? These are the winners in our house!

It’s that time of year again!  The Easter Bunny is on his way and more importantly, spring will soon be here!  Easter can be a really fun day, especially with little ones.  This will be the first year that my son will understand what’s going on (kind of), so I can’t wait to pull out all of the stops!  We’re going to be decorating eggs ahead of time, hiding them, and of course opening up an Easter basket from the Easter Bunny!

In my excitement, I’ve already ordered the fixings for my son’s Easter basket this year and I know how tough that can be when you don’t want to spend a lot and you just don’t really know what a toddler would like.  So here are some great Easter basket ideas for 2-year old boys!  Happy Easter 🙂

Related post: Easter Basket Ideas for 1-Year Old Boys

Related post: 10 Easter Basket Ideas for 3-Year Old Boys


How to Make Money Creating Gift Guides

Creating gift guides are a great way to diversify your blogging income, but they're also easy to do for people without a blog! Here are my tips from years of creating great (and not so great) gift guides!

Before I ever started blogging, I created gift guides using a micro-blogging site that would give you a portion of ad revenue and referral income.  They would hold contests for the best gift guide and I’m a sucker for a contest, so why not?  Before long, I was making a small (very small) side income and learning a lot about what worked and what didn’t in the world of gift guides.

Related post: How to Supplement Your Blog Income Using Hubpages

Fast forward to now where gift guides generate a decent and regular amount of money for me and my blog. It’s a great way to diversify your income, especially if you’re a blogger. But not every gift guide will work!  There is a secret to making them successful.   
