Month: July 2017

How to Overcome Writer’s Block & Get More Writing Done

How to Overcome Writer's Block

Writing is a fickle thing.  Even when you love to do it, you often feel like you have to do it.  When you’re inspired and motivated, you can’t type fast enough.  But when you hit that writer’s block or have distractions pulling you in different directions, you can waste a ridiculous amount of time just staring at a blank screen.

If you write for a living, that problem can be a really big problem.  And not just because you really do have to write. The bigger problem is that if you’re writing for a living, you’ve almost certainly obtained your dream job and you just want to keep it that way!

So the next time you need to overcome writer’s block or are seriously backed up on your writing obligations, try out some these strategies:

How to Supplement Your Blog Income with Hubpages

How to Supplement Your Blog Income with Hubpages

Third party sites like Hubpages often get a bad rap from bloggers.  After all, we’re all taught from the beginning that one of the most important aspects of managing a blog is owning and hosting your own domain.  

These sites, however, are totally misunderstood (and definitely under-utilized) by writers and bloggers.  I’ve been using Hubpages for longer than my blog’s existence and despite my blog’s success, I still head back to Hubpages to regularly publish material.  It is an important source of income that supplements what my blog is earning for me.

While the money is obviously important, there are other serious benefits to using Hubpages when you’re a blogger.


The Next Book You Have to Read: The Millionaire Next Door

The Next Book You Have to Read: The Millionaire Next Door

The Millionaire Next Door, by Thomas J. Stanley and William D. Danko, had been on my list forever. I had pushed it off because I thought it would be similar to the various other “tips to become wealthy” books, but I was totally wrong.  

This book is an absolute must read for anyone that wants to be truly financially free or hopes to make a substantial amount of money in their lives…and it’s unlike any other book I’ve ever read.
