Month: November 2017

10 Business Documentaries that will Completely Blow Your Mind

Business Documentaries that Will Blow Your Mind

If you’re a regular reader here, I’m sure you saw this one coming!  As a documentary fanatic and personal finance fanatic, there just had to be a list of amazing business documentaries.  Because those are the best!

Most of the documentaries on this list are at the top of my all-time favorites list and quite a few of them are brand new, which makes them even better.  Not only will you learn from these, but most will also keep you on the edge of your seat!

Ok, now to the good stuff….Happy Watching!!

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How to Get a Picky Eater to Eat More Food

Strategies to Get a Picky Eater Eating More Food

My son is a seriously, seriously picky eater.  He has been for…well, basically forever.  The agony of trying to get new foods in him is something I never imagined!  And for every hour I spend trying to get him to eat new foods, I spend another hour convincing myself that pretzels might actually be nutritious.

I don’t like forcing him, which is fine because that never works anyways.  So over the past few years I have tried tons of strategies to get him to eat more.  Some have worked, some have failed.  What I can tell you is that I have yet to find a magic bullet that can transform my picky eater into a foodie.  So don’t beat yourself up if your child only eats goldfish and bread.  It’s not ideal, but it’s also not unusual.  You’re not alone!

So the strategies that you’re about to read are what have worked for a picky eater who is still a picky eater – but with a little more variety.  Because this is reality!  

Give these strategies a try to see if you can add even just one or two new things to your picky eater’s diet:


How to Turn Budgeting into a Date Night

How to Create a Budgeting Date Night

I know what you are thinking: “Wow, Nikki. You guys must really have a lot of fun in your house. Budgeting date night. What a blast.” And I get it. Budgeting gets a bad wrap. It’s boring, restrictive, and uncomfortable.

Unless, of course, you make it fun, empowering, and inspiring. Then, budgeting takes on a whole new life and becomes PERFECT for a date night.

THAT is what we do in our house. We’ve turned budgeting into something we look forward to. It motivates and excites us. We love it so much that we do it to relieve stress and relax. If we haven’t seen each other in a while and want to reconnect, we have a budgeting date night.

It makes us financially stronger, it helps to visualize our dreams and set goals, and every time we have one of our date nights we’re one step closer to getting to our ultimate goal of financial freedom and early retirement.

So are you ready to have the best date night ever? Here’s what you need to do to make it perfect:


The Best Bath Toys for 1-Year Old Girls

The Best Bath Toys for 1-Year Old Girls

Without a doubt, one of my favorite times of day is bath time.  Maybe it’s the lack of technologically-enhanced toys or maybe it’s just that bedtime is approaching, but I find it very soothing.  Luckily, my daughter loves bath time as much as I do, so it’s always a happy time!  And since bath toys really only last a couple years before they just start getting gross, I’ve been able to buy her new girly bath toys (as opposed to the hand-me-downs from her brother) totally guilt-free.  It’s been great! 😉

So if you’re on the lookout for gift ideas for a 1-year old girl or just want to make bath time more enjoyable in your own home, give some of these bath toys a try:
