There’s no question that the right course can be a game changer for whatever topic you’re looking for. For blogging, they can be even more powerful because little changes can have exponential impact. And that is exactly what happened for me when I finally discovered Kelly’s SEO course and I can tell you without a shadow of a doubt that it’s the best SEO course for mom bloggers (and really anyone) that you can find (and ironically, it’s not nearly as expensive as many of the courses being marketed these days).

But first, let me just emphasize how important SEO is for bloggers, website builders, and small businesses. Pinterest may be quick and simple and word of mouth may be potent, but SEO can skyrocket your success. And better yet, it’s stable, so the growth will stick. 

Not only will it help you to show up on Google, it will also help you with social media platforms like Pinterest and Facebook. And best of all, it will increase the quality of your website because, really, that’s what Google is all about – providing the best content for whatever your question or need is.
