Month: November 2018

One of the Best Kept Secrets to Help Relieve Anxiety

Relieve Anxiety with a Weighted Blanket

It seems as though everyone in my life suffers from anxiety, whether it is periodic or consistent, mild or severe. I’ve certainly dealt with it myself and one thing is for sure – when you’re hit with it, you’ll do just about anything to relieve your anxiety.

At those times when I (and everyone else I know) has had to deal with anxiety, first on the list are all the various forms of self-care and relaxation – soothing baths, relaxing music, a good book.  Then comes exercise and yoga. Finally, cutting out caffeine and alcohol…or sometimes embracing them for short-term relief. And of course, various gimmicks that sometimes work for some people, like essential oils or cutting out dairy.

These methods are great sometimes, but often they’re just not enough.  So the last time my husband and I experienced a bout of rather serious anxiety, we really dug around to find something even more effective.

And we actually did.


The Best Christmas Books for Toddlers

The Best Toddler Christmas Books

I absolutely love Christmas and I definitely love reading to my kids, so coming up with this list of the best Christmas books for toddlers was not only easy, it was so much fun!  This really is the best time of year and toddlers love every aspect of it, so introducing them to these books will feel amazing. I’m already excited for you!

Whether you’re looking for Advent calendar filler ideas or just a fun surprise for your toddler, these will be perfect because they’re all inexpensive and easy to fit into the budget.  I hope you end up loving them as much as we do!

Merry Christmas!

Related post: The Best Advent Calendar Filler Ideas for Toddlers
