Category: Parenting

7 Parenting Secrets All New Moms Need to Know

A couple months ago, my son turned 1.  I have no idea how it happened, but somehow we made it. Almost like clockwork he turned a corner and transformed from a baby into a toddler.  He’s walking, babbling with purpose (thinks he’s talking), listens to me, kisses me, and is starting to hand me the things he used to put right in his mouth.  While I loved every minute of his babyhood, I’m so happy and ready for this to happen.

Despite everyone’s warnings that time will fly, the past year has actually been very long. I quite literally spent just about every waking and sleeping moment with my son, so I didn’t miss a thing and watched each and every development take place.

When I look back, there are definitely things I wish I would have known (or actually believed) that would have made my life easier.  So here’s my advice for all the new moms out there that are about to embark on the most amazing journey of your lives: (more…)

10 Gifts 1-Year Old Boys Will Love

The 10 Best Gift Ideas for 1-Year Old Boys

Technically it isn’t hard to find gifts for a 1-year old boy.  There are thousands and thousands of options. BUT…that doesn’t mean that they’ll like your gift – or that their parents will.

My husband and I have the “luxury” of a child with a November birthday, so we get a double whammy of gifts each year for his birthday and Christmas.  With so much out there it can be really hard to know what is actually worth a purchase, so I’ve done the leg work for you and tested out just about every product under the sun.

Related post: 10 Stocking Stuffer Ideas for 1-Year Old Boys

Here are the winners!  The best gift ideas for 1-year old boys:


10 Reasons to STOP Breastfeeding

Before I even get started on my reasons to stop breastfeeding, I should say that I don’t actually want to stop. But my son’s 1 year mark is quickly approaching, so it’s been on my mind a lot.

Should I stop breast feeding? Or just keep going?

I know I don’t have to and I know there are a lot of reasons to continue (in fact, here is my list of 10 Reasons to Keep Breastfeeding), but 1 year was always my goal and that seems to be what many moms shoot for.

So this list is mainly to try and convince myself that the time might be right, that my son may be ready, and that there are in fact some great benefits to weaning. We’ll see if any of them can push me over the edge!



10 Reasons to KEEP Breastfeeding

As my little guy starts inching towards the 1 year mark, a lot of transitions are working their way into our lives. New nap times, different foods, little legs that run, and pants without footsies. I had always thought the 1 year mark would also bring an end to breastfeeding, but now that I find myself there, I’m not sure what will happen.

Earlier, I wrote a list of Reasons to Stop Breastfeeding to work out in my head whether it was the right time. A lot of the reasons are pretty exciting, but what good is a list of reasons to stop without a list to compare it to?

So here is my list of 10 reasons to keep breastfeeding past the 1 year mark:


My 1 Year Old’s Holiday Season Bucket List

I’ve always loved the holiday season, but this year is going to be more amazing than usual.  My little guy is going to make it a thousand times more enjoyable and I can’t wait for all the things I want to show him.

Christmas has always been a big deal for me, but this year one of the greatest additions will be celebrating Halloween.  I’ve never been a fan of Halloween (other than it marked the last day of the non-Christmas season), but now that I have a son it has taken on a whole new meaning.

So with all of the great Fall Bucket Lists I’ve seen come out, I couldn’t resist putting together my own Holiday Season Bucket List for my littlest love.  Let’s hope we can live up to my plan and pass down our love of the holidays! (more…)

You Know You’re a Mom When…

Sure, you technically become a mom at the moment of conception. But you don’t really know you’re a mom until a little later…when the dust settles…and you realize those are stains on the floor…and your hair stays in the shape of a ponytail even after the hair tie is removed. All those times people joked about that you didn’t really understand because your newborn was just so darn cute.

If it hasn’t happened yet, it will.

Here are just a few of the times you’ll get that little reminder that you have in fact become a mom… (more…)

A Babywearing Warning to New Moms

Babywearing is not a new thing. It’s been around since the dawn of time, but over the past few years it’s popularity has grown. All of a sudden, it’s everywhere.

There are tons of benefits tied to it, most notably the increased amount of bonding. Every now and then you hear about a few risks to the baby, but for the most part those can be easily addressed by just using carriers properly. What you rarely hear, however, are the risks to the mother. (more…)