Tag: free tools

How to Use PicMonkey to Create Your Blog & Website Images

PicMonkey is one of the greatest free tools I've come across as a blogger. Nothing will transform your site like amazing photos! If you're not using PicMonkey yet, you need to start.

If you have a blog or website, you already know (or will surely find out soon) that high-quality images are almost more important than the content of your site.  As they say – an image is worth a thousand words.  When your images aren’t up to par, not only is it way harder to market your material and products, but it also can appear unprofessional.  That is why it is essential to learn how to use PicMonkey (or other sites like it) to improve your images.

Basically, it’s worth the investment to find and create amazing images.  And luckily nowadays you really don’t need to pay for a thing, so the only real investment is your time.

My absolute favorite go-to site for editing and creating images without a doubt is PicMonkey.  I stubbornly refused to pay for it for years and then when I finally gave in, the increase in quality of my images paid me back 10 fold. So it’s worth the investment. Every single image that appears on my blog has been put through PicMonkey for minor or major edits, or has been created there from scratch.  I’m telling you, if you use (or need) a lot of images, this site will be a game changer.

It’s fairly easy to play around with and figure out on your own, but here are my best tips to make the most of it and transform your images:



The Best Free Tools for Entrepreneurs

I love, love, love free stuff.  Soooo, so much.  If it’s free, I’ll definitely give it a try. No matter what.  Of course, sometimes I get what I pay for and it sucks.  But then I will eventually stumble upon a gem that I can’t get enough of.  The kind of thing that I can’t believe is free and then I become totally hooked.

So obviously through my years of entrepreneurial pursuits I’ve gathered some pretty amazing free tools that help me do whatever it is I’m passionate about at the moment. These are those tools.  Some might not be strictly business, but as we all know, when you’re an entrepreneur your life and business become so intertwined that at times they are indistinguishable.  Which is the BEST part of being an entrepreneur.

So here we go!  The absolute best free tools for entrepreneurs:
