So the time has come. My son is 18 months old and somehow the clock is ticking again. This is the time to get pregnant again, right?  BAHAHAHAHA…HA…haha…ha….

Seriously, though. I don’t know how you moms do it. My son is EASY and I still am not sure how the heck to fit another one in.  I’d like to have 10 kids (BAHAHA again…yeah, right. Although, 19 months ago that was my plan). But I literally don’t know how that is possible. I mean, on 19 Kids and Counting, the kids built their house. They actually built the house. That’s what I thought was supposed to happen. I have one child. He uses his fork backwards.

So anyways, instead of getting pregnant, I’m writing a tribute to my fabulous son and my last remaining weeks, months, or years of only-child-dom.  I’m sure there will eventually be a second, but for now here’s why I’m so grateful to have only one:
