Tag: traveling with a baby

How to Cut Your Packing in Half When Traveling with a Baby

How to Cut the Packing in Half When Traveling with a Baby

Traveling with a baby is no small endeavor. Yes, they’re tiny. But holy moly, their stuff certainly is not.

My husband and I travel all the time with our baby. Over the summer it’s often every weekend. So we’ve come across some great tricks, tips, and work-arounds that make the process easier.

The name of the game is obvious: figure out what you don’t need and find the most space-saving version of what you do need. I was advised to look into something like best bottles for travel, as it saves you a lot of stress when going out with your baby, especially if they are breastfeeding or using a bottle. (more…)

8 Space-Saving Baby Products for Travelers and Small Home Dwellers

As small home dwellers and frequent travelers, my husband and I have developed somewhat of an expertise for getting around with our baby.  When you’re in close quarters with a little one, you basically have no choice but to be creative (or depend on the creativity of others), so we’ve come across some amazing space-saving baby products and gadgets that make life waaaaay easier.

Some of these were amazing gifts, some we discovered out of desperation, and some were just plain dumb luck.  But ALL of them have proved to be essential and/or quite a relief in our day-to-day lives or travels.