Month: August 2015

The Baby Products I Wish I Hadn’t Bought…And Definitely Didn’t Need

I’m definitely not a minimalist (though I wish I was).  In fact, I probably carry more traits of a hoarder than I do of a minimalist.  Yet I STILL found that there were quite a few baby products that I just didn’t need, wish I didn’t have, or was so unbelievably grateful that I DIDN’T get.  

I mean, these little babies come with a ton of stuff. And in my case, my son rarely left my arms, so what was the point of half of them? At one point his room had literally turned into a storage facility for the overabundance of his “things”, while the stuff he actually needed just moved into my space.

Related post: The Baby Products You Actually Want on Your Baby Registry

So to save you the trouble (and money), here are the things you may not actually need to buy:


10 Reasons You SHOULD Fly with Your Baby in First Class

Last week, my husband and I did the unthinkable and flew from California to Philadelphia with our 2-year old…in first class. We were well aware that having a baby on our lap in these premium seats would be taboo, but honestly it feel like a baby anywhere on a plane is taboo – so what’s the difference?

Well, let me tell you right here and now – there is a difference.  A huge difference.  And not just for our comfort and our baby’s comfort, but for the whole entire plane.  When you can keep your baby happy, it will make everyone around you happy.  When our plane landed at the end of our trip, the patrons around us stood up and actually congratulated us on a perfectly silent flight – they actually congratulated us. Now that was a scenario I hadn’t envisioned ahead of time.

So before you book your next flight with your baby in tow, please please please consider these reasons for opting for first class tickets.  I promise, you will not regret it.


The Best Free Tools for Entrepreneurs

I love, love, love free stuff.  Soooo, so much.  If it’s free, I’ll definitely give it a try. No matter what.  Of course, sometimes I get what I pay for and it sucks.  But then I will eventually stumble upon a gem that I can’t get enough of.  The kind of thing that I can’t believe is free and then I become totally hooked.

So obviously through my years of entrepreneurial pursuits I’ve gathered some pretty amazing free tools that help me do whatever it is I’m passionate about at the moment. These are those tools.  Some might not be strictly business, but as we all know, when you’re an entrepreneur your life and business become so intertwined that at times they are indistinguishable.  Which is the BEST part of being an entrepreneur.

So here we go!  The absolute best free tools for entrepreneurs:
