Month: September 2015

Why Every Mom Deserves to Have a Roomba in Her Home

I’m obsessed with my Roomba.  So much so that sometimes I think I should have one for each room in my house. It doesn’t even bother me that I’m about to give you 9 amazing reasons to fall in love with a vacuum cleaner because honestly, it’s that great.  I still need and use my beloved Dyson for heavy duty work, but now we’re like a 3 person/machine/robot team that vacuums the whole house together.

So why in the world is the Roomba so amazing??  Let me tell you. 🙂


14 Different Ways to Save for Retirement

I am obsessed with saving for retirement.  I’m also obsessed with collecting things. So it’s probably not surprisingly that I love finding different types of retirement accounts, different ways to save for retirement, and OBVIOUSLY any way to get “free” retirement money.

So I think it’s time to share!  Not only do I know you all love posts like this, but I also can’t wait to hear your suggestions and ideas for MORE ways that we can hoard away money for our golden years. So don’t hold back!  Hopefully my suggestions can help you as much as yours will help us. 🙂


Vegan Fruit & Nut Chickpea Salad

In the time that I’ve been on a vegan diet, I’ve learned a lot of things.  One lesson in particular will stay with me for quite some time – learn to love thy chickpeas.  

Beans are pretty crucial when you aren’t eating meat, dairy, or eggs, so learning to use different kinds of beans is a pretty big deal if you want to be successful as a vegan.  And chickpeas are a very special kind of bean because they somehow manage to be a wonderful substitute for both chicken and tuna (it sounds crazy, but I’m telling you, it’s true).


My Best Advice for New Home Buyers

I am absolutely in love with the house I live in…most of the time at least. There have been things I never realized I’d love so much and others that I wish I would have considered more thoroughly.  Right now we’re planning to live here for quite some time, but I still wonder if we would do things differently if we had the opportunity to turn back time.

Hindsight is always 20/20 though, so in reality I’m lucky we had such great advice going into our purchase.  If it hadn’t been for our parents and a great realtor, God only knows where we’d be living.  So for those of you about to make this huge decision, here’s my best advice and some important things to consider:
