Month: October 2015

10 Amazing Perks of Breastfeeding a Toddler

Even though it’s becoming more and more mainstream to be breastfeeding a toddler, I’m still surprised by how many people find it shocking.  Breastfeeding certainly has a lot of challenges, so for some moms there just isn’t the option to continue.  But that’s different.  If you can keep breastfeeding and want to keep breastfeeding then you should keep breastfeeding.  It just makes logical sense.  But, more importantly, there are some unbelievably amazing perks to breastfeeding (especially past the age of 1) that everyone seems to overlook.  

So in case you’re considering it yourself (or are wondering why the weirdo on the park bench is nursing her 2 year old), here’s a list of all the amazing perks of breastfeeding a toddler:

Related post: 10 Reasons to KEEP Breastfeeding


What to Watch This Fall – 2015

There are so many things I love about Fall, but definitely one of the best are all the new and returning shows coming back from their summer break.  And this year is definitely no exception.  Not only are there some awesome cliff hanger to wrap up, but there are quite a few new and definitely promising shows that I can’t wait to get more of.  

So without further ado, clear your calendars and start planning your TV parties so you’ve got time to watch these gems:
