Month: May 2018

10 Ways to Cut $100’s Off Your Food Bill Every Month

Follows these tips to cut hundreds off of your food bill every month! You can save money on your groceries by making tiny and easy adjustments.

Aside from the mortgage, the monthly food bill is likely your largest expense. But unlike the mortgage, it can easily change each and every month and if you aren’t paying attention, it can get huge!

But what if you could cut your monthly grocery bill by hundreds of dollars?

Even better, what if you could do little things that make the process easy? Things that don’t involve becoming an extreme couponer?

Obviously, you know where I’m headed…you can cut a lot of money off your food bill by doing some really easy things!

To get you started, I’ve got 10 specific changes you can make to cut your grocery budget. Here they are:


How to Make Adorable Egg Carton Flowers with Your Kids

This egg carton kid craft is the perfect gift idea for grandparents and teachers.

I’m all about kid crafts that can last longer than your classic construction paper card – and that’s exactly what these egg carton flowers are!  They will last forever, can be stored away for special occasions, or placed prominently somewhere permanently.

And they are ADORABLE.

Bright colors, screaming of little kid design…and they don’t require a wall to hang on.
