Month: July 2019

Halloween Movies for Kids that the Whole Family Will Enjoy

Family Halloween Movies that Your Kids Will Love

The holiday season is finally upon us and one of the best ways to help usher in the first big day is with these fun Halloween movies for kids!

Nothing makes Halloween more fun than a bunch of kids that are really excited to celebrate and Halloween movies are such a great way to get the holiday started early.

Some of these movies are creepy (but still good for kids) and others are just cute and fun…but all are Halloween-themed!

So update your Netflix queue with these great Halloween movies for kids and cozy up with some popcorn.  This is a great way to spend a rainy October afternoon (or weekend).


How to Succeed with a Broad Topic Blog

How to Manage a Successful Mom Blog without a Specific Niche

If there’s one worry I hear the most from fellow mom bloggers, both new and old, it’s this: “I think my blog’s too broad. I need to niche-down but I don’t know how.”  This worry has haunted me from the very beginning of my first blog…and to this day, it still sneaks into my head sometimes.

But the reality is that this just isn’t true!  You don’t need a well-defined niche to have a successful blog.  Some of the most successful blogs out there are massive, with so many different topics and categories that they basically become experts in everything.

You can succeed with a broad topic blog.  People do it everyday!
