Category: Saving Money

How I Cut $500 Off My Monthly Grocery Bill

I'm totally blown away by the results, but by making a few simple adjustments I was able to cut $500 off our grocery bill this month! The best part is that I'm sure that savings will only grow. Check out what you need to be doing!

This year is packed full of goals for me, one of which is to drastically cut my grocery bill… ideally in half. My husband and I are pretty good at not splurging on fancy restaurants, or even eating out a lot, yet still our grocery bill is by far the largest bill we’ve got (aside from the mortgage).  

So after the holidays died down, I got to work…and holy moly, what a pleasant surprise!  I made a few big (but ultimately easy) changes and the results were phenomenal – I saved over $500 the first month of my attempts!  As far as I’m concerned, that’s the same as making $500/month, so I couldn’t be happier.

So here’s what I did (and what you should do) to cut $500 off the grocery bill this month:  


The Simple Secret to Building Wealth & Paying Down Debt

Building wealth and paying down debt – the unattainable goal that most of us statistically never reach – is ironically very, very simple. Foolproof even. In fact, I think one of the biggest reason that most people don’t build wealth (or pay down debt) is because the real solution, the one right in front of them, is just too simple. It’s boring. It’s slow. It isn’t glitzy and it’s not something to write home about.

But it works.


How to Accomplish Your Financial Goals This Year

If you want to accomplish your financial goals this year, you may be closer than you think. Check out these tips and resources to help make it happen!

Without a doubt, one of my absolute favorite times of year is the one little week sandwiched in between Christmas and New Year’s Day.  The craziness of the holidays are over and I start to get really, really motivated for the year ahead.  And hopefully you already know that I LOVE GOAL SETTING.  So that’s basically what I spend the whole week doing…and not surprisingly, a lot of my goals tend to be financial ones.  Then once I’ve settled on them, I work really, really, really hard to get them accomplished.

So as you start brainstorming ideas to tackle your own financial goals, use these tips and resources to get them totally accomplished this year:

Related post: The Life-Changing Power of Goal Setting

What Would You Do with $10 Million?

I love this question.  I know it sounds weird, but I ask myself all the time – What would you do with $10 million, Nikki?  And then I make a list. Usually with a glass of wine after everyone’s gone to bed.  I know it sounds indulgent, but it’s really not.  In fact, I think it’s a really, really important question that everyone needs to ask themselves on a regular basis – What would you do with $10 million?

Why waste time imagining a life you don’t have, you ask?


Household Items that are Far Better than Any Toddler Toy on the Market

This scenario plays out in my house almost everyday: The playroom is strewn with blocks, cars are on their sides, balls are piled in the corner…and my son?  He’s playing in our cabinet with the pots and pans. There’s no question he loves his toys, but sometimes I can’t believe how much he loves his “not toys.” So much so that I find myself converting old household products into play things just for some free indoor excitement.

So if you’re tired of buying toys, look around your house and see if you’ve got any of these big winners:

Related article: The Baby Products I Wish I Hadn’t Bought…and Definitely Didn’t Need


How to Pay Off Student Loans Early

Student loan debt is the absolute worst. Yes, it is really important to get an education. But the vast majority of students that are taking out loans have no idea how much that debt is going to weigh them down. Education is important, but so is getting this debt off your back!

If you want to pay off student loans early (which I’m assuming you do), there are a lot of things you can do…some of which you may not have thought of.  I feel lucky that my husband and I were able to get rid of what we had before I decided to stay at home with my son, because basically I wouldn’t have been able to if we hadn’t.  And I want that for you!

So here’s what you need to do to get rid of that debt FAST:


7 Websites with the Best Free Stock Photos

Images are everything these days. And unfortunately one or two good ones on your website or blog just won’t do the trick.  So it is essential to have a pool of amazing, high quality free stock photos at your disposal so that you can spend your money on things that aren’t free.

Some of these are my favorite go-to image sites and others were great discoveries that I came across researching for this post.  With this list, there is definitely no need to pay for photos anymore!  Good luck.