Category: Parenting Inspiration

The Next Book You Have to Read: The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up

If you’ve already heard of Marie Kondo’s The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up, then you probably don’t think I’m crazy. Otherwise, I imagine you’re wondering why the heck you should spend your time reading a book about “tidying up.”  Either way, I PROMISE you will absolutely love this book.  While it is certainly 100% about cleaning up, it somehow manages to also be a truly inspirational book that promises to transform your life (i.e. by tidying up your home you will ultimately tidy up your problems).



18 Lifestyle Upgrades that Everyone Should Own

So our taxes have been filed and I’m waiting, waiting, waiting for our money.  I have SO many things that I want to do with it!  As I wait, I’ve of course been making a list of all of the things I’d like – and I figured, why not make a list of all of the things that everyone should have? Not just stuff, but the items that end up being a truly amazing lifestyle upgrade.

So here it is!  Some of these I know from experience, some I’m just hoping will be as amazing as I imagine.

Enjoy 🙂


10 MORE Tricks to Staying Happy When Your Spouse is Traveling

Last year I wrote an article about staying happy while your spouse is traveling and, much to my delight, it ended up being pretty popular.  It turns out I’m far from the only wife that finds herself home alone while her husband is off working afar.

My tricks for staying happy have always been lifesavers for me, but the past few months have proven to be extra challenging. My son is getting more active, but the real challenge has just been the winter and limited daylight. Getting outdoors, being active at night, and even just keeping flowers around the house can be EXTRA challenging.

So, I’ve been on a mission to figure out new ways to cheer myself up and keep motivated while my husband is away.  The original list still applies, so be sure to check it out here, but if you’re still finding yourself down and out, hopefully some of these will help. 🙂


How to Be 10% Happier

When I came across Dan Harris’ book 10% Happier, I couldn’t wait to read it.  I had been working on a follow-up post to one of my previous articles (10 Tricks for Staying Happy When Your Spouse is Traveling), so the timing couldn’t have been better.  I hastily added myself to the waiting list at the library without reading the full title, so I had no idea what I was actually going to be reading about when my turn finally came. (more…)

Inspirational Documentaries that Will Completely Change Your Life

These are the best inspirational documentaries out there!

My husband and I have been on a documentary kick lately so I’m branding myself as the newest expert on inspirational documentaries.  We’ve only watched what’s available on Netflix, so I’m sure there may be some more out there,  but these definitely stuck with us well after we were done watching.

We’re not a fan of sad flicks (sorry Blackfish fans), so we chose all of these because they honestly made us feel good after watching – they are truly documentaries that will change your life.  If all goes well, we’ll pay off our mortgage, make a million dollars, give up sugar and meat, save the homeless, and fit all of our clothes into our closets. Maybe you’ll do the same! Good luck. 🙂 (more…)

18 Inspirational Quotes to Tell Yourself Everyday

Inspirational Quotes to Tell Yourself Everyday

I love, love, love to hear a quote that makes me think “Whoa, so true!” The ones that tell you what you already know, but somehow package it in a way that gives you butterflies. I especially love the ones that have a way of brightening my day when it’s starts to take a turn for the worse.

Sometimes you just need a reminder of the things you know to be true. And sometimes that reminder needs to be daily. So without further ado, here’s a list of inspirational quotes to tell yourself everyday: (more…)