Two years ago around this time I was a brand new mom. My little baby had all the cutest little holiday outfits with bow ties and suspenders, reindeer and santa hats, booties and mittens. He was decked out in all the “essential” holiday gear. I, on the other hand, found myself desperate for my own essentials – ones I was caught off guard to be needing.
So, as a former holiday season new mom, I can tell you there definitely are gifts you are itching to get when you’ve got a brand new baby on your hands. Things you didn’t realize you needed or just didn’t prioritize.
Here are the new mom gifts that I loved (or wished I would have had):
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Cute Nursing Clothes
Whoa. Am I the only mom that didn’t realize you were supposed to be prepared with an entire wardrobe of nursing clothes? Because let’s think about this – you don’t get a break from nursing, so you never have the opportunity to be wearing non-nursing clothes.
I was so caught up with finding cute maternity clothes that it literally never crossed my mind that I would be needing nursing shirts FOR THE NEXT YEAR. And shockingly, they seem to be harder to find than maternity clothes. Luckily my family jumped into gear and found some great nursing clothes that I’m still wearing one year later.
One of my favorites were nursing tank tops from Glamourmom. They are unbelievably strong – it almost feels like you’re wearing a sports bra, but you don’t actually have to wear a bra at all. These are definitely the real deal (and my absolute favorite…I will be wearing these long after I’m done nursing).
I also loved clothes from a small little start-up called Latched Mama. These clothes are super comfy and very forgiving on an ever-changing body.
And of course, the classic options like A Pea in the Pod and Motherhood Maternity have quite a good selection of nursing clothes! And surprisingly, Amazon has some amazing maternity options as well!
A Teething Necklace
When you’ve got a new baby, you struggle to do your hair, your clothes don’t fit, and you don’t have the energy for make-up. So jewelry can go a long way…except that your baby likes to rip it from your neck, ears, or wrist.
This is exactly why a cute teething necklace is one of the best gifts EVER. The necklace is for mom to wear, but totally safe – and meant – for the baby to chew on!
It’s a cute gift for a mom, with a practical purpose for the baby. TOTAL WIN-WIN.
Nursing Nightgown
Just like you need to be decked out during the day, you will need to be decked out during the night. In fact, I’ll be honest with you. This is what I wore
for the first 3 months of my son’s life. And I was lucky because I had a very easy physical recovery. For mamas that didn’t have an easy delivery, this is an absolute essential. The last thing you need is to be trying to squeeze into jeans or tight shirts when your body is trying to heal. Not to mention that you are constantly getting in and out of bed and nursing every other hour.
A Newborn Baby Carrier
Having a newborn is awesome because they will usually sleep anywhere and with any level of noise…as long as they’re in your arms of course. So you’ll want to go full-steam ahead with baby carriers.
Most new moms have probably already acquired a baby carrier or two from a baby shower or just in preparation. But as great as many carriers are, most are not properly suited for a newborn.
For real little guys (under 4 weeks), the NuRoo is awesome. It is really comfortable, very secure, and holds your baby right up to your skin. If they’re a little older, I would recommend the Baby Bjorn
or Ergo
. I used the Baby Bjorn until my baby could hold up his own head and was very happy with it.
Water Sling
This one is a matter of personal preference, but for me it was one of my top gifts and an absolute lifesaver. My little guy hated to be in the bath alone, so I used this one
to take him in the shower with me.
I LOVED this gift and can’t recommend it enough if you’re in a similar situation. It will also be so useful when you’re at the pool or beach and want to keep your little guy secure and close to you.
As luck would have it, most people love getting gifts for new little babies.
As a new mom, you are unbelievably grateful for this generosity and thus have a ton of thank you’s to write.
For this reason, cute stationery or thank you’s are an awesome gift!
You can get really cute generic ones or personalize a set with the new little one’s picture.
Having a baby is haaaard. It’s hard on your mind, hard on your marriage, hard on your finances…and definitely hard on your body. So anything that will make a new mom feel beautiful – and let her body heal – is a great gift idea.
There are tons of at-home spa gift ideas, but here are some great suggestions:
- Bath Bombs (I’m obsessed with these ones…they’re the best I’ve found and I order them constantly!)
- Clay Face Masks
- Mommy & Me Stretch Mark Repair (I LOVE these guys! Their stretch mark oil is my favorite, but they also have stretch mark repair body butter and lotion if you want to cover all your bases)
One-Piece Mitten Outfits
If you’ve got a holiday newborn, then odds are you are terrified that your baby is freezing…and that is likely to only get worse with the pending winter.
I had so many adorable baby outfits from the baby shower, but not many of them come with built in mittens. And those tiny little hands get chilly!
I was so paranoid about my baby’s hands that I got a pack of plain white long sleeve mitten onesies that could go under everything. Then for Christmas, I asked for cute full mitten one pieces. These one-pieces were definitely my favorite at the time and one of my most-used gifts.
Related post: Where to Find Cute Baby Boy Clothes
Disposable Dishes and Cuttlery
I know, this sounds like a really weird one. But honestly, if there’s ever a time to be wasteful it’s when you’re focusing on your new baby and don’t have the time or energy to do dishes.
On top of that, everyone is likely bringing the new mom tons of food (which is always appreciated) and stopping by to visit, so dishes get used a lot!
It might not be the right size, but disposable dishes are a perfect stocking stuffer idea and extra little add-on for that mom-to-be!
If all else fails, make sure to just ask your new mama what she’s in desperate need of! So much changes after the baby’s arrival that it’s doubtful she has everything she needs.
Good luck with your shopping and congrats on the new addition! If you’re looking for more gift ideas for family and friends, be sure to check out my Pinterest board with a collection of other great holiday gift guides.
Follow Nikki @ MBAsahm’s board Gift Ideas on Pinterest.
2 Comments on The Best Gift Ideas for a New Mom
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This is a great list. Nursing clothes are a big one. (Side note: I still wear my Glamourmom tanks and I stopped nursing more than a year ago. I also just recommended them to someone.) Also, that water sling is awesome. I’d never heard of that.
Thanks! I’m honestly going to wear my Glamourmoms forever…and continue ordering more, lol! They are better than any braless tank I’ve ever found. Huge discovery for me 🙂