Of all the inspirational books out there, it is these personal finance books that have the ability to completely change your life. They reveal timeless and powerful principles, yet for some reason these concepts are kept from most of us as we go through school!
Which just makes it even more important to make sure you read as many personal finance books as you can. They will not only help you build wealth, but they’ll completely change the way you think, feel, and act…and for the better! Your life will literally be better after reading these. Your only regret will be that you didn’t start them sooner.
So get ready to fill your Amazon cart and library checklist. These are the best personal finance books out there and ones that every single person should read.
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The Miracle Morning
There are a lot of personal finance books on this list that completely changed my life, but The Miracle Morning might actually be at the top of that list.
There are so many amazing things about this book, but one thing in particular is that it is not limited to just personal finance. This book will make your entire life better! But it will absolutely help you improve your finances and make more money…it’s really that powerful.
The concept is outrageously simple – you can basically achieve anything by just focusing one hour a morning on 6 critical elements that will help organize your thoughts, clear your head, and just make you more productive.
You’ll experience AH-HA moments, you’ll end bad habits, introduce good ones, and devise new ways to make more money with what you’re already doing.
This is such a powerful personal finance book and one that you will be so happy you read. Definitely add it to your list!
Rich Dad, Poor Dad
Rich Dad, Poor Dad is a classic personal finance book with a brilliant perspective and a personal finance author that you should really familiarize yourself with – Robert Kiyosaki.
Through the book, Kiyosaki talks about his experience growing up with 2 dads – one that was poor and one that was rich, as well as the effects that seemed to have on both of their mindsets.
This book really drives home how important and powerful your mindset is when it comes to personal finance, as well as how much we’re all impacted by a lack of education in this area of our lives.
This personal finance book is a must-read! It will definitely change the way you view money, but is also written in a really entertaining way.
The Millionaire Next Door
The Millionaire Next Door is definitely one of the best personal finance books I’ve ever read and one that I am constantly thinking about, especially as I raise my children.
The author had spent decades studying the wealthy and what he found was surprising, yet still makes a lot of sense – people that make it look like they are wealthy, really aren’t. And the ones who are actually wealthy are everyday people that you’d never expect.
He spends the book going into very specific details about what kind of people end up millionaires and how they do it, which is EXTREMELY insightful.
He also spends a lot of time talking about how wealthy people treat their adult children (with regard to money), which is also a really unique perspective that you don’t find in most other personal finance books.
This is another GREAT personal finance book that I’m sure you’ll never forget. Definitely add it to your list!
Secrets of the Millionaire Mind
Secrets of the Millionaire Mind is without a doubt one of the best personal finance books you can read if you want to build wealth.
What is so great about this book is that instead of focusing on what you need to DO, it focuses on what you need to THINK. And by doing that, you can change everything!
The author provides 17 impactful ways to change your money mindset – 17!
No matter how savvy you think you are, you will definitely find some new tips here.
This is an absolute game changer for anyone that really wants to build more wealth and should be required reading for everyone who’s just starting out.
The 4-Hour Workweek
In a world where we’re pushed to work more and more and more…and then squeeze in a little more, it’s a pretty novel and revolutionary idea to actually pull back. But that is exactly what The 4-Hour Workweek suggests.
In fact, in pretty great detail, the author tells you exactly the steps you can take to automate, outsource, and otherwise get way more done in way less time (4 hours a week is what he managed to do).
This personal finance book is one of the most life-changing books I’ve ever read and way different from the others because it actually helps you figure out how to add more hours to the day – seriously!
This is without a doubt one of the best books ever written with such an important concept that every single person in our modern day workforce needs to read and consider.
The Success Principles
The Success Principles, written by Jack Canfield (the author of the Chicken Soup series) is such a powerful book that it’s basically like an entire course on being successful…and in ALL parts of your life, not just personal finance.
BUT, I would still consider it to be one of the best personal finance books out there because it will absolutely help you to make more money, manage your time better, and not waste your money on the wrong things.
This book is so amazing that I guarantee you’ll end up wanting to purchase a hard copy just to reference it from time to time!
There is more information packed into this book than all the other combined.
It’s a definite must-read personal finance book!
You are a Badass: How to Stop Doubting Your Greatness and Start Living an Awesome Life
There’s something really special about You are a Badass that sets it apart from all the other personal finance books on this list: the author, Jen Sincero, is HILARIOUS.
She’s also inspirational, wise, and a great teacher, so you WILL get a lot out of this book.
This is another amazing personal finance book that goes way beyond just money management and helps you live an amazing life…which does, of course, have a huge impact on your money and how you manage it.
This is a really amazing book that will transform your finances, as well as your life. It’s another must-read!
I hope you get a chance to read every single one of these personal finance books. They definitely have the potential to completely change your life, not just your finances! Enjoy!
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