Tag: baby products

8 Space-Saving Baby Products for Travelers and Small Home Dwellers

As small home dwellers and frequent travelers, my husband and I have developed somewhat of an expertise for getting around with our baby.  When you’re in close quarters with a little one, you basically have no choice but to be creative (or depend on the creativity of others), so we’ve come across some amazing space-saving baby products and gadgets that make life waaaaay easier.

Some of these were amazing gifts, some we discovered out of desperation, and some were just plain dumb luck.  But ALL of them have proved to be essential and/or quite a relief in our day-to-day lives or travels.

The Baby Products I Wish I Hadn’t Bought…And Definitely Didn’t Need

I’m definitely not a minimalist (though I wish I was).  In fact, I probably carry more traits of a hoarder than I do of a minimalist.  Yet I STILL found that there were quite a few baby products that I just didn’t need, wish I didn’t have, or was so unbelievably grateful that I DIDN’T get.  

I mean, these little babies come with a ton of stuff. And in my case, my son rarely left my arms, so what was the point of half of them? At one point his room had literally turned into a storage facility for the overabundance of his “things”, while the stuff he actually needed just moved into my space.

Related post: The Baby Products You Actually Want on Your Baby Registry

So to save you the trouble (and money), here are the things you may not actually need to buy:
