Month: January 2015

Broccoli & Chicken Alfredo Pasta Bake

This little gem came to me out of desperation and a compromise – one of us wanted pasta for dinner, one of us wanted stir fry. The resulting pasta bake was absolutely delicious and so, so, so easy that it will definitely be made again. It’s a little more pasta than stir fry, but hey, at least I got a lot of broccoli in there! (more…)

Why You Need to Set up a 529 College Savings Plan for Your Kids

I originally published this post last summer (if you can believe it, it was actually my FIRST EVER post!), but I feel like it’s really important to bring it back with everything I’m hearing in the news lately.

If you haven’t been keeping up, here’s what you’re missing: First, there’s the constant reminder that the projected cost of college for a child born in 2013 ranges from $150k to a whopping $400k.  Then, there’s the pending reality that in one year 1% of the world’s population will own 50% of the world’s wealth.  So if you’re not in that 1%, you’re actually more likely to get poorer than richer.

So why does this matter for college savings?  Well, lots of reasons. And of course, I’ve written them all down for you. 🙂

So without further ado, here are the reasons why you need to start saving now for your kids to go to college. And more specifically, why you need to put that money in a 529 College Savings Plan.


7 Parenting Secrets All New Moms Need to Know

A couple months ago, my son turned 1.  I have no idea how it happened, but somehow we made it. Almost like clockwork he turned a corner and transformed from a baby into a toddler.  He’s walking, babbling with purpose (thinks he’s talking), listens to me, kisses me, and is starting to hand me the things he used to put right in his mouth.  While I loved every minute of his babyhood, I’m so happy and ready for this to happen.

Despite everyone’s warnings that time will fly, the past year has actually been very long. I quite literally spent just about every waking and sleeping moment with my son, so I didn’t miss a thing and watched each and every development take place.

When I look back, there are definitely things I wish I would have known (or actually believed) that would have made my life easier.  So here’s my advice for all the new moms out there that are about to embark on the most amazing journey of your lives: (more…)

MBA SAHM’s Best Posts of 2014

2014 was a major year for me and my family.  I transitioned to being a stay-at-home parent, managed to keep my little one healthy and happy, re-adjusted to a traveling spouse – and of course, launched this blog.

I wouldn’t trade being home with my son for anything, but I also can not deny that I would probably go absolutely crazy if I did not have this blog to keep me mentally challenged and fulfilled.  I still love business and the working world, so this has been my way to stay engaged and feeling adult-ish.

One of my absolute most favorite aspects of this blog is reading what everyone thinks and watching which posts get the most attention. I put a lot of thought and effort into each and every one, but it can still be very surprising to find out which are the most popular.

Sooooo….without further ado, here are MBA SAHM’s best posts of 2014! (more…)