Author: MBA sahm

16 Different Ways I’m Increasing My Blog’s Pinterest Traffic

There are two main elements to a successful blog – great content and powerful marketing. And while most conventional advice says to spread your marketing efforts over various platforms, pretty much all bloggers quickly realize one thing – Pinterest is everything.

But for those that haven’t yet realized, I will say it again – Pinterest is everything.  Yes, of course you should have a Facebook page and a Twitter account and the obligatory Google Plus account, but none of those are as important as Pinterest.  Not only does it drive the most qualified traffic, but it has the highest revenue per click rate of all social media platforms.  This is really, really important.  These are the people that click on your ads and purchase your recommendations and use your recipes again and again and again.

Now that I’ve made my pitch, here’s the important stuff!  Here are all the things I’m doing to try and increase my own blog’s Pinterest traffic:

The Best TV Shows to Watch When You’re Home Alone

You probably already know that I’m becoming an expert at what to do when your husband is traveling, so this post is probably not a surprise!  And while I’d love to tell you that when the baby’s in bed I pull a book from my collection of classics, what I actually do on most nights is turn on the TV. 🙂

There’s a trick, however, to picking the right shows to watch when you’re home alone.  This is not the time to catch up on Grey’s Anatomy or Private Practice.  This is the time for no tears, female empowerment, light drama, the supernatural, and scandalous adventure (with of course as much romance as can possibly be squeezed in).

So here you have it – what to watch when you’re home alone (and by the way, these are all available on Netflix and/or Amazon Prime – so cut the cable bill to save yourself the money and you’ll feel even better about watching them): (more…)

The Best Places to Meet New Moms When You Aren’t Working

I’m sure we’ve all experienced the same feeling after finishing the last year of school – how the heck do we make friends now? All of a sudden, our social circle dries up and pretty soon our friends are tied to our jobs. It’s who we see everyday and the people who start to know everything about us.

Then we leave that job to stay home with our kids. That’s when the social circle really dries up. Not to mention that now you’re at a whole new phase of life with new concerns, challenges, and a new demanding schedule.

The good news is that there are more of us than we think!  I was convinced that I would be the only stay-at-home mom around and was SHOCKED to find that there were tons of other women just like me that made the choice to stay at home.  It was just a matter of finding them at the right places.

So here’s where I got luckiest meeting other new moms: (more…)

The Best Easter Basket Ideas for 1-Year Old Boys

Easter Basket Ideas for 1 Year Old Boys

I can’t wait to share these Easter basket ideas for 1-year old boys! This Easter will be a special one for our family.  While it won’t technically be the first Easter for my son, it will be the first one that he can really enjoy – and the first time I get to put together an Easter basket for him!

I’m certainly not planning on spending a lot – but I want it to be fun and I want to see his excitement.  I’m also going to be avoiding the classic Easter chocolates and candies (for obvious reasons).

So here are my Easter basket ideas for 1-year old boys!  And of course a few toys and supplies that I’ve recently gotten for him that he LOVES (so that I can pass on the good fortune to you!).

Related post: 10 Easter Basket Ideas for 2-Year Old Boys

Related post: 10 Easter Basket Ideas for 3-Year Old Boys


18 Lifestyle Upgrades that Everyone Should Own

So our taxes have been filed and I’m waiting, waiting, waiting for our money.  I have SO many things that I want to do with it!  As I wait, I’ve of course been making a list of all of the things I’d like – and I figured, why not make a list of all of the things that everyone should have? Not just stuff, but the items that end up being a truly amazing lifestyle upgrade.

So here it is!  Some of these I know from experience, some I’m just hoping will be as amazing as I imagine.

Enjoy 🙂


10 Ways to Make Your Own Luck

I am completely convinced that we each have the ability to make our own luck. Sure, there’s an element of random chance, but you also have to be at the right place, at the right time – and that we have more control over than we think. You can’t win the lottery if you don’t buy a ticket, right?

So how, exactly, do you make your own luck?

Here’s what I think you should do:


8 Different Ways to Cut $100 in Expenses Every Month

One of the best ways to build wealth quickly is to find big ways to save every single month. Check out this list to see if any would be easy for you!

Recently, I wrote about the plan my husband and I have to pay off our mortgage in the next 10 years.  Hearing all of your comments and ideas got me sooooo excited that I started thinking about how we could get it paid off in 5 years instead of 10.  So we started talking about all the different ways we could convert some of our expenses into making larger principal payments – easy ways that would at least cut $100 in expenses each month.

Well, we came up with some pretty exciting ideas! Here’s what we’ve got:
