Month: February 2015

How To Make Extra Money with Vacation Photos

I am one of those people that takes photos of everything when I vacation. And I mean everything. Cool flowers, neat buildings, interesting wall paper, and tons of landscapes. So when I discovered how to make extra money with vacation photos, I got that crazy entrepreneur-butterfly-itch that hits me time and again.

Now, obviously you can post your photos on sale at stock photography sites – and you probably could make some money that way. But that’s not nearly as exciting and doesn’t get your creative juices flowing like creating actual products. And it’s much easier than it sounds. (more…)

4 Quick & Easy Ways to Pay Off the Mortgage Early

If you've ever considered paying off your mortgage early, you've got to incorporate different methods to make it happen. Here are 4 ways that can help achieve your goal!


Now that I’ve officially left the “classic” work force, I’m in a position where I need to be really creative with how to contribute to our income. More specifically, how to contribute to our disposable income. One way to do that? Cut out the largest (by far) monthly expense and pay off the mortgage.

Related article: How to Pay Off the Mortgage Early

I know it sounds crazy. With such a massive loan, it just seems pointless to waste time trying to chip away at it. But none-the-less, my husband and I have gotten ourselves excited enough that we’re endeavoring to have it paid off in 10 years. This will obviously require us to make some pretty large payments here and there, but we also came up with some pretty quick and easy ways to bring it down without even trying. (If you’re interested in everything we’re doing to pay off our mortgage early, check out this post –> 10 Things I’m Doing to Pay Off My Mortgage Early (and the One Thing I Won’t Do)

So here’s what we’re doing and what you can try if you’re up for the same challenge:

Related article: 7 Important Reasons to Pay Off the Mortgage


How to Be 10% Happier

When I came across Dan Harris’ book 10% Happier, I couldn’t wait to read it.  I had been working on a follow-up post to one of my previous articles (10 Tricks for Staying Happy When Your Spouse is Traveling), so the timing couldn’t have been better.  I hastily added myself to the waiting list at the library without reading the full title, so I had no idea what I was actually going to be reading about when my turn finally came. (more…)

How to Make Money on Hubpages

We all know that there are a lot of ways these days to make money writing online. Some are obvious, like freelance work, but others have a bit of mystery involved. Hubpages falls into this category for most people, but it’s actually one of the best places to start.  It’s also a great addition to the writing-for-income portfolio for anyone that writes for a living (or is trying to!).

I won’t lie, I came across Hubpages against my will.  The site that I was happy writing for was sold to them and along with it, all of my content.  As is often the case, however, it wasn’t long before I realized the earning potential on Hubpages way more. So as you can imagine, I’m a much happier writer now.

Related article: How to Start a Money-Making Blog
