Month: August 2017

After 3 Years of Blogging, Here’s My Best Advice for New Bloggers

How to Succeed as a New Blogger

Wow. It’s been THREE years of blogging for me at MBAsahm! This is a huge milestone for so many reasons. From the very beginning I promised myself I wouldn’t quit blogging until I had put in at least 3 years and thank God I made myself do that because now I’m sure I’ll never stop.

If you read my blog regularly, you already know that starting MBAsahm was one of the best decisions I ever made. So if you’re considering starting a blog, DO IT. It may not be exactly what you thought – it may be more, it may be less – but I promise you, it will be fulfilling. 

Related post: How to Start a Money-Making Blog

I spend so much time explaining the in’s and out’s of blogging and describing what it takes (and what I do), so I know what a lot of you are thinking and wondering! I hope this will be helpful for anyone that is just starting out and also for any of you that are considering it. But first and foremost, don’t stop! Your blog is what you make of it, so if it doesn’t feel right, just change course. Eventually it will all make sense. 🙂


How to Transform Your Life with Daily Affirmations (+ Free Printable List)

Daily affirmations are one of the easiest ways to completely transform your life and all it takes is positive-thought and self-empowerment!

Daily affirmations are one of the easiest and quickest ways to completely change your life for the better. They allow you to create your own reality, transform your future, and do things you never thought you could, should, or deserved to do.  They are LIFE-CHANGING.

And it is the simplest thing you will ever do.  You just have to do it.

I know they may sound crazy, but I’m telling you, THIS WORKS.  Think of the most successful people in the world and I guarantee they use some form of daily affirmations in their life.


60 Ways to Make Money as a Stay at Home Mom

60 Ways to Make Money as a Stay at Home Mom

This post contains an ever-growing list of ways to make money as a stay-at-home mom, so check back often because it is constantly being updated! And of course, if you’ve got your own brilliant way of making money as a mom and it isn’t on this list, be sure to comment or email me and I will add it!  Good luck to you.

Whether by choice or last resort, being a stay-at-home mom (SAHM) is quite an endeavor. It’s a full-time job on it’s own, but it’s hard to fight that feeling that you want to bring in an income too.

Luckily, it’s totally possible to be a SAHM and bring home some moolah. In fact, if you play your cards right, you could bring in a substantial amount of money.

Without further ado, here are 60 ways to make money as a stay at home mom:


The Virginia Living Museum: Williamsburg’s Other Best Attraction

The Virginia Living Museum was one of the best things to do with toddlers in Williamsburg! I'm so glad we found it.

Last month I had planned a trip down to Williamsburg for my family, but for some reason didn’t think about the weather.  So as a heat wave rolled through with 110 degree days, I had to scramble quickly to find something with air conditioning, or at least more shade….bonus points if you could entertain my 3-year old and let me roll through with a double stroller.

What a blessing in disguise that heat was!  We happened upon the Virginia Living Museum and it ended up being one of the best children’s museums we’d ever been to.

Not only did it have my prerequisite air conditioning and ample stroller space, but the interaction it provided for my 3-year old was out of this world!  With both indoor and outdoor exhibits, we were occupied for the whole morning.


The Next Amazing Book You Need to Read: You Are a Badass: How to Stop Doubting Your Greatness and Start Living an Awesome Life

You Are a Badass: How to Stop Doubting Your Greatness and Start Living an Awesome Life

Wow, I can’t even believe it’s happened.  I HAVE A NEW FAVORITE BOOK. It may actually be better than The Miracle Morning (even though The Miracle Mornings is STILL a must-read for everyone).

You Are a Badass: How to Stop Doubting Your Greatness and Start Living an Awesome Life is brilliant.  Jen Sincero actually makes self-improvement cool.

This book was so amazing that after I read it from the library, I actually purchased it just to have a hard copy to reference.

(And I’ve read The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up.  So I don’t own books.  But now I own this one.)
