Hygge – the Danish not-so-easy-to-define word for happiness, coziness, nostalgia, and contentment – is a big part of why Denmark is consistently ranked as one of the happiest places in the world. We, as Americans, on the other hand, seem to be on a constant pursuit of happiness, yet don’t rank anywhere close to the Danes. What gives?
Maybe – just maybe – instead of pursuing the classic American dream, minimalism, capitalism, or whatever new fad is trending, we should instead pursue the tried-and-true notion of hygge. We know it works, so why not? We’ve got nothing to lose.
Luckily, incorporating aspects of hygge into your life is easy because you get instant gratification. That’s because one of the most important principles of hygge is living in the moment. So all of these things will make you feel good right now.
Ready to embrace hygge and live like the Danish do?? Here are 10 things you can do to add hygge to your life:
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Dim the Lighting
Hygge is all about the lighting – warm, deep, dim lighting. The fluorescent and intense overhead lighting that has worked it’s way into our American homes and offices just doesn’t work for the Danes.
In fact, for them, the ideal lighting comes from fireplaces and candles. The yellowish glow, the flickering, even the noise adds to the feeling of hygge.
So open up the fireplace tonight and pull out some candles! And if you’re an anxious worrier like me, don’t stress! There are battery-powered candles that give you the exact same effect, but without the fire hazard…and they’ve got timers! 😉 → battery-powered candles
Make More Soups
Hygge is achieved through simplicity and indulgence. If it makes you feel cozy, even better. If time and thought has been put into its preparation, you’ve got triple the hygge! So what better way to experience (or intensify) hygge, than by making a homemade soup.
So pull out your crock pot and make a stew that will simmer all day. The smell will be amazing, the soup will taste delicious, and you will be indulging without getting too indulgent (if you know what I mean).
Dress to Impress AND Be Comfortable
We, as Americans, are obsessed with dressing to impress and too often it comes at the cost of our comfort. So time to put your thinking cap on and find a way to embrace comfortable clothing without making yourself feel like a slob (because you need to feel comfortable too!).
If you really want to channel your inner hygge, you can start by investing in a really, really comfortable pair of socks. The kind of socks that almost classify as slippers. The ones that you can’t wait to get your feet into after a long day. Those are hygge.
Read a Real Book
Your comfy socks are on, your stew is simmering in the crock pot, so now it’s time to read by yourself…the old fashioned-way.
Get a real book – not your Kindle, phone, or iPad – and read in your favorite cozy nook. Turn your phone off. Let this just be time to relax your body and stimulate your brain.
Read whatever you want. Fiction, non-fiction, romance, suspense. Whatever YOU want.
And don’t feel like it has to be a new book! Pull your Harry Potter collection off the shelf and reread your favorite parts. Grab your favorite classic and reread it one more time!
If It Brings You Joy, Add It
By now, we all know the Konmari Method of cleaning your house – if it doesn’t bring you joy, get rid of it. (This is what enlightened capitalists do.)
Well, the hyggelig (Danish for hygge-like) way of cleaning your house is similar, but with one very important twist – if it brings you joy, add it.
Yep, you heard me right. You now have permission to pull your cat figurines back out of hiding, find those horrible pants with holes that everyone (except for you!) hated, and fill your home with things you love.
Be Active Outside
We all know that exercise is good – it makes you healthy, happy, clears your head, blah, blah, blah. So we schedule an hour here or there to go for a run or take a cardio class.
Unfortunately, that’s not the key to happiness…or hygge.
To add more hygge to your life, you need to make exercise fun – like, so fun you don’t even call it exercise. And it needs to happen outside.
So go for a hike, make a snowman, explore the beach, ride your bike.
Doing this doubles your hygge. Here’s why –
There’s something special about being outside. Fresh air and nature are important elements of hygge, so spending a lot of time outside doing something fun will create instant hygge.
The doubling occurs when you come home. You’re tired, but satisfied, so your mind and body will want nothing more than additional hygge. You won’t even have to think twice. Just put on your comfy socks, make a cup of hot cocoa, and settle into your cozy nook for the next chapter of your favorite book.
Make Your Gifts
Giving someone a gift is always a good way to bring happiness to your life as well as theirs. To take that happiness to the next level (the level of hygge), make a gift for them.
I know this is intimidating. Even more, I know this is time-consuming. But THAT is what makes homemade gifts so hyggelig – for both you and the person receiving the gift. A ridiculous amount of time is typically put into making homemade gifts, which adds a lot of thought to the present, but also gives you time to do something out of your normal routine. It’s a break for your mind and body.
Start a Tradition
One of the biggest components of hygge is that warm and cozy feeling that comes with something nostalgic – like waking up on Christmas morning or spending the day preparing for Thanksgiving. These traditions pair naturally with hygge…so why not make more of them??
Whether you start a completely new one (like a special family vacation in the middle of spring) or just build off of one you already have (like adding a mid-day family movie to Christmas), adding a new tradition to your life will definitely increase your hygge exposure.
And the absolute best part of this hygge addition is that you’re spreading the hygge-love to the family and friends that will be joining you.
Attend More Social Get-Togethers
One of the easiest and quickest ways to add hygge to your life is to simply attend (or hold) more social get-togethers.
Strong relationships help make hygge happen, so spending time with friends and family sets you up for more and more happiness.
If you want the most hygge possible, try to keep the gatherings to a small number of people (4-6). This makes the get-together more intimate and you’re more likely to let yourself relax.
Vacation More
I know this is easier said than done, both because of the cost and the time. But THIS (paired with the next section below) is possibly the biggest – and most impactful – difference between the Danish and us.
You need to vacation more. Your hygge depends on it.
It does NOT need to be expensive. It does NOT need to be elaborate. You don’t even need to necessarily go anywhere! Just take time to vacation.
This doesn’t mean take a few days off from work to catch up on chores, finally get your car detailed, and schedule that doctor appointment you’ve been pushing off.
You need to do something fun, new, and relaxing. Something with your family, friends, or just alone. Something that will give you a warm and fuzzy feeling when you look back on it.
Work Less
I know – you can’t vacation more if you work less. You can’t even work less if you don’t vacation more.
Except that you can. And you have to…at least, you do if you really want to create hygge in your life.
What I mean by “work less” is this:
Leave when you say you are going to leave. Don’t stay late. When you’re home, stop working. Prioritize your non-work life the same way you prioritize your work life. Take sick days when you are sick. Set clear expectations with your employer (they may surprise you!).
This may not happen overnight, but again, it is one of the defining characteristics of the Danes and one of the biggest reasons they experience so much more happiness than we do.
So for the sake of hygge, don’t blow this one off! Even if it can only work it’s way into your 5-year plan, it will be worth it.
I hope you’re able to incorporate at least a few of these hygge ideas into your life! Come back and let me know how they work out for you.
Related posts from MBAsahm:
- The Next Book You Have to Read: The Little Book of Hygge
- How to Have a Hygge Easter: 10 Ways to Make the Holiday Even
- How to Add Hygge to Your Christmas
- How to Use Daily Affirmations to Transform Your Life
- How to Create an Effective & Inspiring Vision Board

1 Comment on 10 Things You Should Be Doing to Live a Hygge Life
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Hygge. Its a great concept. Id add to the vacation more and work less, commit your kids to LESS stuff, physical stuff and scheduled stuff.
I would have never considered the outside time as part of the feeling but I get the connection!
And what brings me joy is reading books on my eInk Kindle Touch… So that is definitely in my Hygge plan.
From Hyggehouse… “By creating simple rituals without effort {such as brewing real tea with a little china cup every evening to stopping at the flower shop every week} the Danes see both the domestic and personal life as an art form and not every drudgery to get away from. They incorporate hygge into their daily life so it becomes a natural extension rather than a forced and stressful event.”