Tag: inspiration

Adding Hygge to Your Christmas: 10 Ways to Make Christmas Even Happier

10 Ways to Add Hygge to Your Christmas

Hygge, the age-old Danish concept of happiness, has traveled the high seas and is working it’s way through the American culture. Its popularity isn’t surprising – Denmark is consistently ranked as the happiest country in the world. So why wouldn’t we want to take a page from their book?

Christmas is no exception. In fact, if there was ever a time you should work on increasing the hygge in your life, it would be the holidays – and this year could definitely use a little hygge!

As luck would have it, Christmas and hygge go hand-in-hand, so adding hygge to the holiday season is easy and enjoyable.


The Next Book You Have to Read: The Little Book of Hygge

The Little Book of Hygge: Danish Secrets to Happy Living

I’ve been so lucky lately to come across a number of enjoyable and inspirational books that I just haven’t been able to put down (except, of course, when those books have me running to incorporate whatever special tips they’re providing). The Little Book of Hygge was no exception.  I was excited the second I added it to my library list and it definitely did not disappoint!

I had been reading a lot about hygge and the more I read, the more articles and resources started to pop up (don’t you just love how social media does that for you… ;-)).  So when I came across a highly-rated book dedicated to hygge at the library, I knew I had to read it.


How to Transform Your Life with Daily Affirmations (+ Free Printable List)

Daily affirmations are one of the easiest ways to completely transform your life and all it takes is positive-thought and self-empowerment!

Daily affirmations are one of the easiest and quickest ways to completely change your life for the better. They allow you to create your own reality, transform your future, and do things you never thought you could, should, or deserved to do.  They are LIFE-CHANGING.

And it is the simplest thing you will ever do.  You just have to do it.

I know they may sound crazy, but I’m telling you, THIS WORKS.  Think of the most successful people in the world and I guarantee they use some form of daily affirmations in their life.


The Next Book You Have to Read: Secrets of the Millionaire Mind

Secrets of the Millionaire Mind is one of the greatest inspirational books I've ever read. It's a total game-changer!

In my attempt to read more books this year, I’ve come across some real winners and some ho-hum forgettables.  Even a mediocre book can sometimes be a welcome break from reality, but what I really love is a book that is so exciting that I actually get an adrenaline rush when I’m reading it.  And I’m not talking about the rush that comes with finding out who the killer is or a steamy romance scene.  I’m talking about the rush from that AH-HA moment that makes you realize one small tweak to your life could help you achieve your next goal…or the moment you realize that you actually can quit your job and do what you love…or even just deciding what your next pursuit will be. THOSE moments are the best.


Why You Need to Focus on Small Wins Instead of Big Ones…and the Ones You Should Focus on First

I don’t think there’s ever been a time in my life (at least not in my adult life) where I haven’t been trying to accomplish something. Whether big or small, there’s always something going on – paying down debt, learning new things, weight loss, clearing my head, running more often…the list goes on and on.

So I’m sure it’s not surprising that I love coming across new ideas and ways to accomplish more, especially if it saves time or effort.  And I’m always on the hunt for new ideas. My last source of inspiration (from The Power of Habit…not as amazing as The Miracle Morning, but still a great read!) has me really excited because it outlined a brilliant and simple way to accomplish anything and everything:


How to Create a Vision Board

How to Create an Effective & Inspiring Vision Board

What if you could look at a picture of your dream life and in an instant it became your reality?  It may seem far fetched, but there is tons of research suggesting it’s possible. Not to mention anecdotal evidence coming from some of the world’s most successful people. And once you know how to create a vision board, you’ll be one step closer to living your dream life just like they are. 

Vision boards have a simple but amazing concept.  If you visualize the life you want, then you’ll ultimately obtain it. They’re an amazing source of inspiration and motivation for basically any goal you could possibly have.

Here is how the classic vision board works:  You gather pictures that embody the life you want to have and you create a collage of the images on a bulletin board.  You should spend time looking over your vision board at least once a day and voila! You’ve got instant inspiration to achieve your dreams.

While creating the classic vision board is pretty easy, I’ve found that they don’t always look that great over time or they’re pushed aside as yet another unfinished project. This is a huge shame because they truly are very effective!  So how do you create a vision board that is effective and inspiring? Follow some of these tips to ensure your success:


What Would You Do with $10 Million?

I love this question.  I know it sounds weird, but I ask myself all the time – What would you do with $10 million, Nikki?  And then I make a list. Usually with a glass of wine after everyone’s gone to bed.  I know it sounds indulgent, but it’s really not.  In fact, I think it’s a really, really important question that everyone needs to ask themselves on a regular basis – What would you do with $10 million?

Why waste time imagining a life you don’t have, you ask?
