Month: June 2015

7 Important Reasons to Pay Off Your Mortgage

Why Paying Off the Mortgage is Important

For the most part, the classic American dream includes home ownership. A comfortable job, a vacation once a year, and a place to call home. What’s funny is that the vast majority of us are relying on 30-year mortgages to “own” our homes…but no one ever talks about the reasons to pay off your mortgage early.

So, in some sense, we really aren’t owning our homes – we just feel like we are. And it’s so commonplace to have a mortgage that nobody really second-guesses it.

To be fair, there are some benefits of having a mortgage. But does that really mean that it’s a good idea for everyone? Should it be the norm?

I’m not convinced. Here are some of the biggest reasons to pay off your mortgage early (and why we’re doing it):

Related post: How to Pay Off the Mortgage Early


7 Jaw-Dropping Documentaries About the Food You Eat

7 Documentaries about the Food You Eat

If you’re looking for documentaries about the food you’re eating, you’ve come to the right place!  But be forewarned, after you’ve seen these, you’ll never be able to eat the same way again!  Luckily, that will most likely be for the better.  Happy watching 🙂

 I’m a total documentary junkie, so when I come across a good one that I love, I typically do what I can to find more like it.  That is exactly what happened after I watched one of these (I’ve watched them each a few times so I can’t even remember which one was the first!).  The greatest part about these specific documentaries is that they are bound and determined to very, very seriously change the way you eat.  I’m not exaggerating – there’s just no way you can’t be affected by the messages in these movies.

So…if you’re looking for a way to jump start a diet, make a lifestyle change, lose weight, or are just in need of filling your Netflix queue, watch. these. documentaries.  I’m telling you, you will be thinking differently once you’re done!


6 Sneaky Vegetables that Are Tastier than Fruit When You Juice Them

Ever since my husband and I got our new juicer, we’ve done a ton of experimenting.  Partly just to figure out what the heck we’re doing, but also to try and get as many veggies as humanly possible into our diet (and our toddler’s).  And while there have definitely been some fails, there have also been some awesome discoveries.

We’re now at a point where we don’t need to add any fruits to our juices. They can be all veggies – BUT it’s only because we’ve discovered the veggies that are sweet enough, refreshing enough, or frankly just tasteless enough to make a delicious juice without needing fruit.

So here’s what to try in your next juice:


9 Reasons to Take Your Toddler to the Jersey Shore’s Cape May Zoo

In my opinion, each and every day is the best day to be at the Jersey Shore.  I don’t care if it’s raining or sweltering or whether the mosquitos are biting.  The bay and ocean are always in view and there’s something intoxicating about the salt air.

Needless to say, it is an amazing place to take your family, but there are days where you just need a break from the beach and sun.  Luckily there are tons of things to do, one of which is the Cape May Zoo.  It used to be a second thought for me, but now that I have a toddler in tow I will certainly be making regular trips.  I’m telling you from experience, it is one of the best places along the Jersey Shore to take your toddler for a morning or afternoon visit.

Here’s why:


How We Bought Our First Investment Property

Investing in real estate is an amazing way to diversify your portfolio and ironically it is much easier than most people think.  In this day and age it can be nearly impossible to build wealth from a paycheck alone, so most of us need to think outside of the (career) box if we really want to live the comfortable lifestyle that we all dream of.

My husband and I purchased our first investment property 3 years ago and it was one of the best decisions we ever made.

We rarely even think about it nowadays, yet it is still making money for us behind the scenes.  We aren’t handy-types or real estate experts, yet it still was a great investment choice.  I

t is honestly something that anyone can do, as long as you make smart decisions in the beginning.

So here’s what we did to buy our first investment property:


BBQ Cauliflower with Goat Cheese (the Vegetarian Chicken Wing)

For quite a few months I’ve been an aspiring vegetarian and while I’m not quite there yet, I’m a thousand times closer than I once was.  Obviously one of the biggest challenges has been finding new and delicious vegetarian recipes that satisfy my craving for meat (and fill me up) – and this is definitely one of them.

I originally found inspiration for this cauliflower recipe on Pinterest (where else??) and have perfected it over the dozens of times I’ve made it.  This is now my go-to recipe when I’m craving something bbq-ish and it ALWAYS does the trick.  It’s not the healthiest veggie meal because of the BBQ sauce and cheese, but it’s still completely vegetarian, which is healthier anyways.  It also doesn’t require a ton of ingredients (most you will have on hand anyways) so it’s cheap and easy to make last minute.  Cauliflower can be kept for a while in the fridge, so I basically just always keep one in there!

So without further ado, here’s my recipe and directions for BBQ cauliflower with goat cheese:

