I would love for you to join me every week when I publish new ideas on reaching financial freedom, raising happy kids, and enjoying life! Subscribe to my blog here and you’ll be the first to know when new posts come out!
Hi! I’m Nikki
Here’s what you should know about me…
I’m a mom and a blogger. I LOVE what I do and I’m on a mission to create the most amazing lifestyle for myself and my children (and you!).
This blog is a labor of love for me. If I had a dollar for every minute I’ve spent working on it or thinking about it, I’d be the millionaire that I dream of being (hopefully soon ). In the mean time, I’m on a pursuit to give my family the life we dream of right here and now. I want us to be healthy, happy, inspired, and financially free.
But really, here’s what’s important for you…
I want you to leave my blog inspired, happy, and ready to go. I want you to be visualizing the sunset over the ocean with a martini in your hand, inspired to create the life you want for yourself and your family. I want everyone to be able to achieve the lifestyle they dream of, regardless of the circumstances.
This is especially true for stay-at-home moms (like me) that want to be with their kids without giving up their lifestyle. I am passionate about helping other parents find different ways to make money that don’t necessarily require a 9-5 commitment. You can check out some of my most popular money-making ideas here:
- 60 Different Ways to Make Money as a Stay-at-Home Mom
- 10 Jobs that Will Let You Bring Your Kids to Work
- How to Start a Money-Making Blog
- 5 Different Ways to Make Money on Zazzle
In addition to making money, I’m also on a pursuit to completely pay off my mortgage so that I can be debt-free (and have all that extra cash every month!). If you’d like to join me on that mission, this post is for you:
10 Things You Should Be Doing to Pay Off Your Mortgage Early (and 1 Thing You Shouldn’t Do!)
And lastly (but certainly not least!), my true mission and passion in life is to raise happy kids. While I’ll do my best to share crafty ideas and fun recipes on my Facebook page (which you can follow here) or Pinterest (which you can follow here), the truth is that I kinda suck at crafts! So most of what you’ll find here are solutions to parenting dilemmas that plagued us. Here’s a sampling:
- How to Transition a Co-Sleeping Toddler to Their Own Bed
- What to Do When Your Child Hates Bath Time
- Exciting Summer Challenges for Kids
I hope you enjoy what you read, and more importantly I hope you’re left with ideas and plans for the future. To subscribe to my blog for notification of new posts, go here → MBAsahm’s Mailing List
Cheers! Happy reading