Month: October 2015

The 10 Best Board Books for Toddlers

I got lucky with a son who absolutely loves to read and look at books, but that love of reading doesn’t seem to translate into an appreciation for keeping the books in good condition.  So, for the time being, we’re only using board books so that he can use them however he likes (and for the most part, they have proven to be indestructible).  Luckily, it has turned out that board books aren’t that expensive either, so I’ve been able to get most of them in the $3 range on Amazon.  

So if you’re looking for a good gift idea for your toddler or just need some new inspiration to get them using new words, try out these board books that have been big winners in our house:

8 Space-Saving Baby Products for Travelers and Small Home Dwellers

As small home dwellers and frequent travelers, my husband and I have developed somewhat of an expertise for getting around with our baby.  When you’re in close quarters with a little one, you basically have no choice but to be creative (or depend on the creativity of others), so we’ve come across some amazing space-saving baby products and gadgets that make life waaaaay easier.

Some of these were amazing gifts, some we discovered out of desperation, and some were just plain dumb luck.  But ALL of them have proved to be essential and/or quite a relief in our day-to-day lives or travels.

Vegan Chipotle Cheeseburger Wrap

Before I was on a vegan diet I splurged on a good cheeseburger every once in awhile, but even then the best burgers were the ones that were loaded with fresh veggies and lots of “stuff.”  So it was only a matter of time before I came up with the perfect version of an awesome loaded vegan cheeseburger and it is sooo delicious.  It’s one of my go-to vegan comfort foods and is fairly quick to put together, so it’s a perfect last minute meal (I also tend to have all the ingredients on hand which is an added bonus).

So the next time you’re home alone and want to stay healthy but splurge at the same time, give this a try!  


Why You DON’T Want to Invest in Real Estate

A big part of me loves investing in real estate and it’s a big part of my plan for the future.  Yet, for some reason this was still one of the easiest posts I’ve ever written…because the truth is, I lose soooo much sleep over some of the worries that come with this type of investing (at least for buy and hold real estate investing).  It is not an easy thing to do and it is TOUGH work.  And not just the getting-your-hands-dirty kind of work (though it certainly can be that), but the dreadful how-the-heck-am-I-going-to-fix-this kind of work.  The kind of thing you think about all day and lose tons of sleep over.  And until you’ve really hit it big, it’s hard to tell if you’re even doing things right.

So before you jump head first into your first property (which I still hope you will consider!), make sure to read this carefully because real estate investing is not as glamorous as you think and it’s definitely not for everyone!


What to Do Now to Prepare Your Zazzle Store for the Holiday Season

The holidays are so close that I can almost taste them and that has me excited for so many different reasons, one of which is that I consistently make the most Zazzle sales over the holiday season (and you know how much I love making money on Zazzle). No matter what you do, odds are in your favor that you’ll make more this time of year just because people are shopping so much.  But there are still some things that you can do to prepare your Zazzle store to increase your sales even more.


100+ Irresistible Post Ideas for Your Mom Blog

Almost every single week I face the same problem: What the heck am I going to write about? Some weeks are easier than others, but there are those times that I can’t think of a single thing. So I desperately search for ideas and inspiration. Which brought me here…because I KNOW I can’t possibly be the only Mom blogger that hits writer’s block and just needs some good ideas.

So here’s my ultimate list of all the great post ideas for your mom blog. I’ll keep adding to the list, so check back if you hit the wall again. Take my advice though: try and make it as specific as possible. Many of these ideas could be broken into 3 or 4 different posts. The internet may be saturated by some of the hottest topics, but if you can make it unique you may just have come up with your next viral post.

Good luck!


The Please Touch Museum: Philadelphia’s #1 Destination for Toddlers

I knew about The Please Touch Museum long before I was even pregnant with my son (my husband and I had our wedding there!), but I was pretty sure it was best for 4, 5, or 6 year olds, so I had pushed off taking my toddler. Holy moly, was I ever wrong.  This place is ABSOLUTELY PERFECT for toddlers.  If I was closer, I would be there every single week.  Since heading there for the first time with him, I’ve been on a hunt for other children’s museums that compare and haven’t found anything even remotely close.

So if you’re in the area or live in the suburbs like I do, you need to make sure you take your toddler to the Please Touch Museum the second they’re comfortable walking.  There are so many things to do with little guys (and older too) that I guarantee you’ll want to come back again and again.

Related post: 15 Philadelphia Day Trips for Your Toddler & Preschooler

Here are some of the highlights:
