Author: MBA sahm

How to Successfully Start a Second Blog

Should You Start Another Blog?

There’s a really easy way to know if blogging is for you – you start a blog.  You go through the ups and downs, you survive some spells of burnout, but you power through.  And before long, little thoughts creep into your head that you could (and maybe should) start a second blog.

That’s when you know it’s for you.  When you want even more of the craziness, the ups and downs, and the unbelievable fulfillment.

And you should start a second blog.  When done the right way, a second blog will make your first even better and will achieve profitability (or whatever metric of success you are using) in a fraction of the time your first did.


The Best SEO Course for Mom Bloggers

How to Get Better SEO on Your Parenting Blog

There’s no question that the right course can be a game changer for whatever topic you’re looking for. For blogging, they can be even more powerful because little changes can have exponential impact. And that is exactly what happened for me when I finally discovered Kelly’s SEO course and I can tell you without a shadow of a doubt that it’s the best SEO course for mom bloggers (and really anyone) that you can find (and ironically, it’s not nearly as expensive as many of the courses being marketed these days).

But first, let me just emphasize how important SEO is for bloggers, website builders, and small businesses. Pinterest may be quick and simple and word of mouth may be potent, but SEO can skyrocket your success. And better yet, it’s stable, so the growth will stick. 

Not only will it help you to show up on Google, it will also help you with social media platforms like Pinterest and Facebook. And best of all, it will increase the quality of your website because, really, that’s what Google is all about – providing the best content for whatever your question or need is.


7 Must-See Minimalism Documentaries that Will Completely Change Your Life

These documentaries about minimalism will completely change your life!

I’m a total documentary junkie, so there really aren’t any that are off limits.  But my absolute favorites are the ones that inspire big lifestyle changes like these minimalism documentaries do.  And even if you aren’t looking for major lifestyle changes, my bet is that you’ll find these movies about simple living totally inspiring. 

Somehow, they all manage to shed light on areas of our life that you never really thought of. They will completely change your perspective on the world, and especially your immediate environment.  Which makes these documentaries about minimalism great sources of motivation if you need that extra push to change your life (or even just clean it up a little).

So this is for the aspiring minimalist out there! If you’re looking to downsize your life, or more importantly find more with less, these minimalism documentaries are for you!  

You can find most of these minimalist documentaries on Netflix, and if not there, then definitely on Amazon Prime or HBO.  They’re all easy to come by.

So are you ready to purge your house, focus on happiness, and live more simply? Start with one of these simple living documentaries:


Easy-Peasy Kid Craft: DIY Hungry Caterpillar Clothespin Magnets

Easy Kid Craft and Gift Idea - DIY Hungry Caterpillar Magnets

My 4-year old has been hooked on crafts lately, so I’ve been on the hunt for fun DIY projects that are easy enough for him and also serve a practical purpose…because I can only hang up so much construction paper!  So when I came up with the idea to create Hungry Caterpillar Magnets (inspired by the all-too-famous Very Hungry Caterpillar book!), I was really excited. And rightfully so, because it was a huge hit!

This Hungry Caterpillar craft project was so easy that he could basically do the entire thing himself…and would have been able to do it completely alone had I not wanted to make sure the magnets were super secure with hot glue instead of Elmer’s (if you’ve got a little one running around, you should probably do the same!).


5 Money-Making Date Night Ideas

These ideas are better than free date nights...they'll actually make you money!

Sure, in the beginning date nights are a great way to spend your money, not save it – and certainly not earn it!  But times have changed (or maybe you’re just getting older ;-)) and now it’s time to consider some money-making date night ideas!

Yep, that’s what I said. Dates where you actually make money.  These aren’t just cheap date night ideas or dates on dime…on these dates, you can actually make money.

Because you’re a team and finances are a huge part of that, right?

So if you’re ready to start mixing romance and finances, here are some money-making date night ideas to try:


10 Ways to Cut $100’s Off Your Food Bill Every Month

Follows these tips to cut hundreds off of your food bill every month! You can save money on your groceries by making tiny and easy adjustments.

Aside from the mortgage, the monthly food bill is likely your largest expense. But unlike the mortgage, it can easily change each and every month and if you aren’t paying attention, it can get huge!

But what if you could cut your monthly grocery bill by hundreds of dollars?

Even better, what if you could do little things that make the process easy? Things that don’t involve becoming an extreme couponer?

Obviously, you know where I’m headed…you can cut a lot of money off your food bill by doing some really easy things!

To get you started, I’ve got 10 specific changes you can make to cut your grocery budget. Here they are:


How to Make Adorable Egg Carton Flowers with Your Kids

This egg carton kid craft is the perfect gift idea for grandparents and teachers.

I’m all about kid crafts that can last longer than your classic construction paper card – and that’s exactly what these egg carton flowers are!  They will last forever, can be stored away for special occasions, or placed prominently somewhere permanently.

And they are ADORABLE.

Bright colors, screaming of little kid design…and they don’t require a wall to hang on.
