Month: May 2015

The Best WordPress Plugins for Beginner Bloggers

There are a ton of roadblocks that make starting a blog intimidating and setting up the actual website is certainly one of them – especially if you’re a writer at heart. Thank goodness for WordPress!  If you’re still in the very early stages of setting up a blog and haven’t picked a platform yet, please take this one piece of advice – CHOOSE WORDPRESS.  If you don’t, at some point in the next year you will be migrating your site to WordPress and it will be a pain in the butt.

The reason is plain and simple – WordPress makes everything extremely easy.  And one of the ways they do that is by offering thousands of plugins that add special functions, bells, and whistles to our sites.  All of the plugins listed below are free, so I highly recommend you just add them right away.  I use each and every one of them, so everything I’m telling you is from my own experience.

Here we go! The best WordPress plugins for beginner bloggers:


10 TV Shows to Binge Watch with Your Husband

The best tv shows to watch with your spouse

Whether you’ve got 20 minutes or 4 whole hours alone with your hubby, there’s no denying that sometimes all you want to do is zone out and watch a great show together. And in this day and age it’s unlikely that you’re sitting down at the same time each week catching a show right as it’s airing – because who’s got time for that? 😉

So the next time you’re in need of tv shows to watch with your wife or husband (that you’ll both love), just check out this list because I’ve done the research for you! All of these shows have been vetted by yours truly (along with my husband of course) and are without a doubt the best of the best.



How to Add Fiber to Your Juices

Every since the new year my husband and I have been trying to seriously increase our fruit and vegetable intake, so when we got a juicer last month we were sooooo excited. We started to have a homemade juice each morning in place of breakfast. Obviously there is an unbelievably long list of benefits to doing this, but there was one factor that was seriously bothering us – juicing removes a lot of the fiber from your vegetables and fruit.


A Guide to Camden, NJ’s Adventure Aquarium with Your Toddler

A couple of weeks ago my husband and I took our 1 ½ year old son to the Adventure Aquarium (aka Camden Aquarium to the locals) to meet some friends who also had a toddler on their hands (2 years old). We weren’t quite sure what to expect with him, but were pleasantly surprised by how engaging the aquarium was for such little guys! They’ve definitely worked hard to reach different age groups and it was refreshing to find something fun for my little guy (even the local playground is too tough for him).

Bottom line, we’ll definitely be back again and I would certainly recommend the trip to anyone in need of entertainment for a young toddler.

Related post: 15 Philadelphia Day Trips for Your Toddler & Preschooler

Here’s everything you need to know:

How to Make Edible Finger Paint

Entertaining a toddler can be easy or hard depending on your level of creativity and patience for their odd interests. A bag of rice may hold their attention for 20 minutes, while the $50 toy sitting in the corner only makes them cry. My baby’s favorite toy is still a tupperware container despite various attempts to sway him with Fisher Price’s newest gadget.

In the end, you still want to expose them to new wonders and watch them discover something for the first time. When my friend suggested an edible finger paint get together, I was definitely excited for the outdoor activity. This was my little one’s first paint experience and I must say, it was an adorable act to watch. (more…)

Why You Should Make Money from Your Photography (And How to Actually Do It)

Ok, it’s probably no surprise to any of you that I love using my photography to make a little side income (I use Zazzle to do this, but there are other similar sites). It has been one of my favorite hobbies for a really long time and over the past few years it’s been a nice source of extra spending money.

I’ve written a few times about the different ways you can actually use Zazzle to make money from your photography (I’ll list them below for reference).  But I thought it would also be worthwhile to tell you exactly why it is worth your time to add sites like Zazzle to your portfolio of hobbies and/or income sources. And more importantly, why you should be using your photographs (that you’re already taking!) to make some extra money.

Here are the other articles to check out if you’re as excited as I am about this:


10 Amazing Perks of Having an Only Child

So the time has come. My son is 18 months old and somehow the clock is ticking again. This is the time to get pregnant again, right?  BAHAHAHAHA…HA…haha…ha….

Seriously, though. I don’t know how you moms do it. My son is EASY and I still am not sure how the heck to fit another one in.  I’d like to have 10 kids (BAHAHA again…yeah, right. Although, 19 months ago that was my plan). But I literally don’t know how that is possible. I mean, on 19 Kids and Counting, the kids built their house. They actually built the house. That’s what I thought was supposed to happen. I have one child. He uses his fork backwards.

So anyways, instead of getting pregnant, I’m writing a tribute to my fabulous son and my last remaining weeks, months, or years of only-child-dom.  I’m sure there will eventually be a second, but for now here’s why I’m so grateful to have only one:
