Month: October 2017

5 Brilliant Solutions for Saving Your Child’s Artwork

What to Do with Your Child's Artwork

I’ll be honest. When my son started preschool this year, the last thing on my mind was what the heck I’d do with all his artwork.  In fact, I couldn’t wait to see what he’d bring home!  I had the magnets ready and oo’ed and ah’ed at his initial creations.

Then they kept coming.

And coming and coming.

I swear, he has 4 art classes a day!

So it wasn’t long before my husband confronted me.  The artwork had to find a home.  One that wasn’t the kitchen table, kitchen counter, or family room end table.

And he was right. Within weeks, the artwork had taken over the house.  I wasn’t willing to part with it (obviously). So that left one option – figure out what to do with it.



10 Engineering Gifts that Will Blow Your Preschooler’s Mind

The Best Engineering Gifts for Preschoolers

I have a preschooler who is obsessed with being an engineer.  It started young with mega blocks. He would build a tower taller than himself when he could barely even walk.  Then he moved onto trains.  And I’m telling you, he was (and still is) obsessed with trains.  He recently came up to me with a new train and said “Mommy, look at this. See how the piston moves the piston rod and then that moves the coupling rod and then that makes the wheels move? See? See? See how it works?”  

So, needless to say, I’ve somehow reached a point where my 3-year old knows more about engineering than I do.

I am bound and determined to make sure I give this little guy all the opportunities I can find to help him succeed as an engineer, but for now, that’s just going to come from his toys!

So if you’ve got a little engineer on your hands too, give these gifts a try.  You will be blown away by how well they do!


Get Paid to Drive: 7 Ways to Make Money with Your Car

How to Make Money Driving Your Own Car

Ever wish you could just get paid to drive your own car?  Listen to music all day, experience some freedom, and maybe earn some extra cash? Believe it or not, there are tons of side jobs that give you that opportunity and they don’t require you to get a special license or become a full-time trucker.

In fact, some jobs that pay you to drive are not only perfect side gigs, but great for stay-at-home moms or parents that have odd schedules and small blocks of free time (or no free time at all…).

So if you’re happy in your car and think you may be up for getting paid to drive, this list is for you! All of these part-time jobs give you the chance to make money driving your own car and for the most part, on your own schedule. Good luck with your side endeavor!


The 10 Best Stocking Stuffer Ideas for 1-Year Old Girls

The 10 Best Stocking Stuffer Ideas for 1-Year Old Girls

Looking for stocking stuffer ideas for a 1-year old girl in your life?  You’ve come to the right place. 😉

Christmas is one of my favorite times of the year, so shopping for stocking stuffers is something I look forward to every single year…and I start early!  And this year is extra special because I have a new little almost-1-year-old girl to shop for!

Years of shopping for her brother has made the task of coming up with the perfect stocking stuffers a little easier, but there are still some things that are perfect just for little girls!  

Hopefully this list will make your shopping a little easier this year:

Related post: The Best Gift Ideas for 1-Year Old Girls


10 Hobbies that Make Money for Stay-at-Home Moms

All of these hobbies give stay at home moms the ability to make money from home!

I’ll be the first to tell you that nothing is as wonderful as staying at home with your kids.  I’ll also be the first to tell you that nothing is as wonderful as making your own money, on your own terms, doing what you love.  

And as luck would have it, you can actually do all of these things at the exact same time. It sounds too good to be true, but it’s totally achievable.  You just start by making money from your hobbies!

I have not one, but two hobbies that make me money while still being a stay-at-home mom.  Neither interferes with taking care of my kids.  In fact, often, they’re a welcome, if not necessary part of it.  But most importantly, these hobbies (both of which have the potential to become full-blown careers) provide me with more mental stimulation than I ever got in a 9-5 office setting.  They also give me something to talk about with my husband that doesn’t revolve around our kids or household.  And of course, they make me money, which means much more than just the extra cash around the house.

So if you’re feeling the pull to go back to work, but also have a big case of mom guilt, consider some of these hobbies that may be able to give you the best of both worlds!

Related post:  60 Ways to Make Money as a Stay-at-Home Mom  


Stocking Stuffer Ideas for 2-Year Old Boys

Stocking Stuffer Ideas for 2-Year Old Boys

I’m not going to lie, I absolutely love shopping for my kids for Christmas and there’s something special about stocking stuffers!  These were always the first things my sisters and I opened as kids and I hope that my kids look forward to it like I did.

So if you’re on the hunt for stocking stuffers for 2-year old boys, this list is for you!  These were the biggest hits for my son when he was 2…and many still make regular appearances years later!

Good luck with your shopping and happy holidays!

Related post: 12 Best Gifts for 2-Year Old Boys


The Best Alternatives to Cable TV…So You Can Save a Ton of Money and Still Watch Your Favorite Shows

Alternatives to Cable TV

Want to find out the best alternatives to Cable TV so you can save a boatload of money and still see all your favorite shows?  It’s easier than you think. This post lays out exactly how to watch TV without cable and lists the best cable alternatives that are currently available.


In my pursuit to be financially free, I’ve cut out a lot of things – pedicures, travel, shopping trips, restaurants, gym memberships, new clothes, etc. If it’s an expense, I’ve either cut it, or considered it. So obviously cable had to be put on the chopping block eventually.

What I didn’t realize was that by cutting the cable, I’d actually open myself up to watching way more TV (with no commercials) and save a boatload of money.

Not only is this a smart move to make, but it’s the direction we’re all headed, so you’re not alone. The younger half of the millennial generation doesn’t even sign up for cable when they get their first apartment anymore. So if you’re still paying for cable, you’re not just throwing money out the window, you’re also old. 😉

So what’s the trick to cutting your cable bill without giving up your late night source of entertainment?
